Chapter 8

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I was with Satang in the cafeteria when i spotted Gemini with someone.

"GEM!" I called on him. He was kinda shock but he said something to the guy who's with him and start walking towards us.

"Hii, i'm Ford" the guy that came with Gemini introduced himself right after they arrived at our table. He extended his hand towards me. I hesitate a bit since i don't about his relationship about Gem, but i extended my hand and shake it with his.

"Fourth" i smiled bitterly and looked at Gem who is now looked so Gloomy.
"Gem? Are you okay?" I asked him but he's now looking at Satang who is now smiling widely. 'Is he interested in Satang?'

"Aren't you going to make us sit?" Ford asked. I just realized that they're still standing.

"Oh, i'm sorry. Please, do sit" i offered them the sit infront of us.

"Foty, he's him. The one i talked about earlier, the cute guy from faculty of medicine." Satang leaned on me as he whispered referring to Gemini.

"And he is Gem, so don't even think about it" i whispered back.

"Ehem" Ford faked cough so we positioned back ourselves.

"Ah, yeah i forgot, he's Satang" i introduced my friend. He extended his hand to Ford and they shaked hands. He extended his to Gem but he just nodded.

"It's okay, we met already earlier. I'm Gemini" then Satang shyly take his hand back.

We ordered and chatted, more like Ford and Satang chatted, i just butt in few times but that's all. While Gem, he stayed quite and just give short answers. I found out that he and Gem are friends since senior high and he already have a boyfriend, so that gives me a relief.
After eating, we said goodbye since we still have classes left.

"Ah, Gem!!"i called Gem when he's about to leave. "Wait for me at your faculty. Uncle said i'll go with you after class" he nodded and walked away.

"Ohoo, someone's have to do some explaining after" i jumped because of Satang who suddendly appeared behind me.

"The heck meung, why are you like that? And what do you mean?"

"What do you mean what do i mean, are you dumb or what? Your GEM, is clearly jealous and you're here asking me what do you i mean. You know what, you may be handsome, talented and smart but that'll all go to waste if you're that numb"

"Is that why he's quiet?" I asked him and Satang just faced palm himself.
"And why will he be jealous? You're just my friend"

"Did he know that?"

"It's obvious tho" he faced palm again.

"Hayss. I don't what to do about you anymore meung. Let's go, we'll be late"

After class, i convince Satang to go with me at the faculty of medicine. He agreed since that's where he parked his car. When we arrived at the main building, we separated since i have to go to Gem. When i start walking, almost all of the med students i encountered will whisper or try to get my attention. I'm not bragging but i'm confident of my looks. I spotted Gemini and called him.
He looked at me and walk towards me with Ford. He still looks gloomy and upset. 'Is Satang right? Is he jealous?'

"Ohoo, here's the lover boy of my friend" Ford said. Gemini elbowed him and i just chuckled.

"May i have your friend now Ford?"

"Sure, sure, take him. Don't ever bring him back if you could"

"Ayy Ford!! Are you really my friend huh" Gemini yelled at his friend getting red.

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