Chapter 8

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Claire has just entered the house. She goes strait to her room to drop off her things before going into the living room with hers and Sabrina's McDonalds bag and sits on the couch. She turns on the TV and switches the channel to SpongeBob SquarePants, because who wouldn't? Sabrina comes out of her room, fully dressed in her uniform and meets Claire in the living room.*

Claire: Hey. Did you have a good sleep?

Sabrina: Yeah. Did you have a good day at work?

Claire: Let's just say there was a Karen involved.

Sabrina: Oh. I'm sorry.

Claire: Thankfully, I had enough balls to stand up to her. It also gave me a chance to meet Monty. I used my fazwatch to call an animatronic for security and he was the one to show up. He got rid of her quick. The weird thing is, before he left he looked at me and scowled. I didn't even do anything to him.

Sabrina: I'll give him a piece of my mind tonight.

Claire: No. Don't. The one you need to give a piece of your mind to is Glamrock Foxy. He's such a creep. He tried to flirt with me today and he told me next time, he wouldn't take no for an answer.

Sabrina: Oh, I'm definitely giving him piece of my mind tonight then.

Claire: Thanks. I got you some McDonalds. I wasn't sure what to get you so I just got us both the same thing. Six piece nugget, small fries, and sprite. *hands Sabrina her meal bag*

Sabrina: *takes it* Thanks. I'll see you when I get back in the morning. *starts heading for the door*

Claire: Have a good shift!

Sabrina: I will! *leaves*

It is 11:50. Sabrina is now standing outside of the empty pizzaplex.

Sabrina: *sighs* At least I don't have to deal with a bitch ass Karen. *she pushes the door open and walks in. The entrance is completely empty, except for the security staff bots. She begins patrolling around the entrance, looking for anything amiss. She eventually ends up standing by the giant golden Glamrock Freddy Statue, where she finds Monty*

Monty: *standing with his back to Sabrina. He doesn't seem to notice her*

Sabrina: Um, Monty? You're supposed to be in your room right now.

Monty: *quickly turns around, grunting and growling. His eyes have a red gleam to them, as if he's being controlled by something or someone. He lunges at Sabrina*

Sabrina: Ahh! *quickly moves out of the way* Monty, what the fuck? What's wrong with you?

Monty: *roars loudly at her and starts to chase you*

Sabrina: *starts running to the stairs* I work here, you dumb bitch! Why are you chasing me?

Monty: *he doesn't answer. He continues to chase her while growling angrily*

Sabrina: *runs up a flight of stairs to the second floor. She bumps into Glamrock Chica*

Glamrock Chica: *turns around to face Sabrina. She's all twitchy and looks completely out of it. Her voice sounds distorted as she speaks* Sabrina....

Sabrina: Chica? You too?

Glamrock Chica: *begins to chase after Sabrina*

By this point, Monty has made it up the stairs and is chasing Sabrina too.

Sabrina: *runs into the Faz-pad to try and find a hiding spot. Instead, she finds both Roxy, Glamrock Foxy, Glamrock Balloon Boy, and Glamrock Bonnie. She notices they are acting different too* Fuck.

Monty and Glamrock Chica enter behind Sabrina. All six animatronics have her surrounded with no way out. They starts to crowd around her.

Sabrina:*attempts to push them away* Hey! Stop it! Get away from me!

Monty: *raises his hand and brings it down to smack Sabrina in the back of the head, knocking her out cold.*

Many hours later, Sabrina wakes up to find herself locked and chained up in a cell. It's extremely dark.

Sabrina: *tries her best to feel her pockets for her phone, but they're empty. Her fazwatch is gone too.* What the fuck? Where am I?

A/N: Another chapter released today? I'm on a roll! I'll try to release the next chapter tomorrow or next week.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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