Chapter 7

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It's the next morning at 6:30. Claire is just now getting up while Sabby is just now entering the house. They meet each other in the living room.

Sabrina: Man, I'm tired as fuck.

Claire: *in the kitchen making waffles* I bet. Did anything interesting happen last night? *yawns*

Sabrina: Well, I got to meet all the animatronics, but that's it.

Claire: Cool. So did I....well, except for Monty. What was he like?

Sabrina: *leans on the counter* I don't know. He didn't talk much. *yawns* I'm gonna go take a shower and go to bed. Have a nice day at work. *she leaves to go back to the bathroom*

Claire: I hope I have a nice day at work too.

Timeskip to 8:00. Claire is now at work in her uniform. She is being swamped by customers already. The customers are talking/yelling all at once with several items in their hands or baskets.

Claire: *Thinking to herself* Damn. Mx. Finley was right. This job is tough. *spoken aloud* Hey! Hey! Everyone, calm down please! One at a time!

The customers don't listen. They continue to talk all at once.

Karen: *stomps up to the counter, pushing people out of her way. She slams a broken Roxanne Wolf figurine on the counter and begins to yell angrily* My son broke his toy and he wants a new one. Give me a refund right now and a new figurine! I expect to have the new one for free!

Claire: *nervously* I...I'm sorry ma'am, but I can't give you a refund. If you would like a new one, you'll have to just buy another one.


Claire: *starting to get very irritated, but tries to stay respectful* Ma'am, I'm not allowed to give refunds or give away free merchandise. Now, you can either buy your son a new toy or you can leave. I recommend you do the latter.

Karen: Don't you get smart with me, you fucking bitch. Where's your manager? I'm going to get you fired!

Claire: You can talk to my manager all you want, but it won't do a thing for you, "you fucking bitch."

Karen: *is very angry now* How dare you speak to me like that! HOW DARE YOU! You cannot talk to me that way!

Claire: *sarcastically* Oh, I didn't realize you were a person of such high status and honor. Shall I bow down to you, my queen? *does a small, sarcastic bow*

Karen: When I'm done with you, you'll be on the damn floor you bitch!

Claire: So you're threating me now? Bitch, you better leave before I call security.

Karen: You wouldn't dare do that to me.

Claire: Would you like to test that theory?

Karen: You fucking bitch! I'll strangle you! *she starts trying to crawl over the counter*

Claire: *immediately gets on her fazwatch and calls one of the animatronics over for security while backing away* I don't think I'm the bitch in this situation.

Karen: *is still trying to get over the counter* Fuck you, you ugly bitch!

Claire: Do you seriously think I'm a mirror? Because I'm not.

Karen: *is now over the counter* You little-

There is a loud growl coming from the entrance of the gift shop. Everyone, including Karen, goes quiet and looks at the entrance.

Monty: *stomps  further into the shop. He spots Karen behind the counter. He glares at her and growls before quickly stomping over to her, the crowd quickly moving out of his way to avoid getting trampled. Once he reaches the Karen, he roughly yanks her out from behind the counter, brings her face to face with him, and growls at her* You're not supposed to be behind the counter, old lady. *he drags her to the entrance of the gift shop with her struggling to get out of his grasp. He looks back at Claire and scowls at her before leaving with the screaming Karen.*

The whole crowd cheers and then continues to chatter.

Claire: *thinking to herself while staring at the entrance where Monty was a few second ago* What was that for? I didn't do any thing to him. Oh well. At least the Claire vs. Karen show is over now. 

Timeskip to 12:00. Claire is on her lunch break and is sitting at a table in the Faz-Pad, eating her meal which consists of a bowl-o-corn, Freddy Fried Rice, and fizzyfaz. She also has a bag with her containing her book.

Claire: *looking down at her small lunch* Damn, this is the saddest lunch I've ever seen. Why do I have to be so picky? *she begins to eat the corn* I wish I could go through a McDonalds Drive-thru. Maybe I'll go for supper after work. I'll pick something up for Sabrina too. *continues to eat. She finishes eating and heads back to her post. She still has some time before her break is over so she opens her bag, gets her book out, and starts reading.*

Glamrock Foxy: *walks into the gift shop* Aye, Claire! There ye are. I've been lookin' for ye.

Claire: *glances over her book* If you're here to flirt with me, you can leave. You'll just be wasting your time.

Glamrock Foxy: Oh, you'll fall in love with me soon, lass. Just you wait.

Claire: *keeps reading* Nah, I don't think I will.

Glamrock Foxy: *yanks the book out of her hand*

Claire: *tries to grab it back, but Glamrock Foxy holds it out of her reach* Hey! Give it back!

Glamrock Foxy: *looks at the cover of the book* Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets? What kind of bullshit title is that? *he flips through the pages* How can you even stand reading this? There's no pictures.

Claire: Well, some people use something called imagination. 

Glamrock Foxy: *looking up and down her body* I'm be usin' me imagination right now. How about ye ditch yer book and spend the rest of your break with the back?

Claire: Or, how about you give me my book back and you leave?

Glamrock Foxy: *huffs* Fine. *throws the book behind the counter. It lands on the floor* I'll back down just this once, but next time, I'm not takin' no for an answer, lass. *he walks out*

Claire: *shutter in disgust as she picks her book back out* Ugh... so uncivilized. *she looks at her fazwatch and sees that her break is over* And he wasted my valuable reading time. Just great. *she puts the book back in her bag, and waits for any customers to show up* I hope I don't encounter another Karen.

A/N: Hey! I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far! If it's making you cringe a little (or a lot lol) then good! It's meant to be cringy and stupid. Anyway, I know I've already made a post about this, but I won'r be posting after next week until late September. I'll be out for the summer and I'll be really busy. I might or might not post a new chapter next week. Idk. I hope you guys have a fazzerific day! Bye!

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