Chapter 3

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*Claire and Sabrina arrive at the Pizzaplex*

Claire: (parks the car)

*They both get out and enter the building*

Sabrina: (looking around in Awe) Whoa...this is so cool!

Claire: (also looking around in awe) Yeah. Imagine if we did work here.

*Both girls walk up to the front counter which has a long line*

Sabrina: Uggghhhh. Fuck, I hate waiting!

Claire: Ugghhh me too, dammit, but we gotta be patient though if we don't want to get security called on us.

Sabrina: Yeah, yeah, fine.

*40 minutes later- Claire and Sabrina are finally at the front*

Woman: Hello. How are you two today?

Claire: We're doing good. How are you?

Woman: I'm good. Two tickets?

Sabrina: (sarcastically) No, we wan't 400.

Claire: Sabrina, don't say that! (to the woman) I'm sorry. We'll take two tickets, please.

Woman: Alright. That's $20 each.

Claire: (gets her wallet out and gives the lady $20. She puts her wallet back in her purse)

Sabrina: (gets her wallet out of her pocket and pays the woman $20. She puts her wallet back in her pocket)

Woman: (hands them two tickets)

*Both girls take their tickets*

Claire: Thank you!

Sabrina: Thanks.

Woman: You're welcome.

*Sabrina and Claire enter the lobby with the giant golden Glamrock Freddy statue*

Claire: Whoa....look at that statue.

Sabrina: I know right? I wonder if I'll ever have a golden statue of myself someday.

Claire: Me too.

MapBot:(comes up behind them) Take a map.

*Both girls are startled*

Sabrina: Jesus! What the hell man?! Did you have to scare the shit out of us?

MapBot: (holds out a map to Sabrina) Take a map.

Sabrina: We'll take a damn map if it means you'll leave us the fuck alone. (takes the map)

MapBot: (gets another one out and hands it to Claire) Take a map.

Claire: (takes the map) Thank you very much, dumbass.

MapBot: Enjoy your map. Free map. (rolls away)

Claire: I hope we never see that thing again. (unfolds her map)

Sabrina: (does the same) This place is huge.

Claire: Yeah...the bad thing is, I'm shitty at reading maps.

Sabrina: Me too. Let's just look around ourselves. We don't need these maps.

Claire: Let's keep them on us so that stupid MapBot doesn't bother us again.

Sabrina: Smart.

*They begin walking to the escalators*

Claire: (looks at the back of the map) There is a show in 40 minutes and it's in the atrium. 

Sabrina: Eh, I'm sure we will find in time for the show. It's not like we will get lost or anything.

*30 minutes later- Claire and Sabrina are nowhere near the atrium. They find themselves somehow standing in front of the daycare*

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