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Next morning
Enwoo  jann andy/n not going  to  university

Bts : we enter the university  and see all our ex

Izumi: Hello.look  girls who is hear

Jen: what they think that if they broke up  with  us we let other girls clos

Bts : ignore them and go to the class

In the first lecture  principal  anouce that we all have to gather in auditorium  so all student go there

Principal: hello student  hear today we gatherd because  we have special  guest today so behave well

Y/n mom:  i know what happened  last day so i decided to visit korea and meet her why not because  i am the one of owner  who share is 60 parcentage and bring who is also owner

And discuss every think and they told me there sons also  study hear

Mom: so y/n get ready for university

Y/n : ofcourse  mom its little fun to watch there faces right guys

Enwooand jann: yes lets see go so we can enjoy little  more

So hear is a story
     At night y/n told her mom everything  and she know her mom bought this university  after she join because  since childhood her mom bought school when she study so know one bully her, so ger mom and y/n made a plan that tomorrow  they expose principal and there so cold daughter

Every one is in auditorium and hear y/n jann and enwoo  come and we all are shock

Jk: we saw y/n is wearing  beautiful  dress

Jin: i saw her and think what happened  when principal  found out

Tea : i saw her lovingly

Other are in other world after saw y/n

Other are in other world after saw y/n

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Every one was staring at her

Liz: look that shamlesh girl

Jen: expell by principal  but still came hear

Izumi: i have to tell this to dad

Nancy: but we are not allowed  to go outside

Ritz: call your  dad

After call she tell that y/n is coming

Principal: what are u doing hear and why you sheat there that seet belongs to someone els

And getout before i rais my hand

Y/n : i am not give a dam about it and sheat there like a boss

Principal: try to slep me but mom was fast enough  to protect me and stop principal

Principal: mem good  morning and u don't  have to mind this disrespect  full girl actually  i expell last day but she is coming  like no shame in it

Miss patel: how dare u to raise your hand on a girl

Principal: but this girl bully  other

Y/n: i don't  bully anyone you know that right maa if u don't  believe  ask your jann

Principal: after hearing y/n call maa i am regrate  to take my daughter  side

Lily: don't  u think your  act expose don't  u have manner  u talk with special  guest

Y/n : okay  then keep your mouth shut and maa start what are u hear for

Miss patel: so student hear i came special  to revile the owner this university  have two onwer one is me and another is mr kim

I heard a lots of false rumors about university  owner

And also last nightmy daughter tald me what happened  with her

Since her childhood know one layfingar on her

But hear lots of people  are bully her

Y/n: mom how did u find that

Miss patel: yaa silly  girl u think i don't  have eye on u i have another  daughter and son also

Y/n : glare at enwoo  and  jann

Mr kim: also we want to anouce that our children  is owner  now on because  we bought this university  for them

And also who bully her is expell  for one month

Liz: how can she is your daughter she wear chip brand clots

Jen: also never saw her eating food

Nancy: never saw her spending  money

Miss patel: so what i know why she did if she wear branded clots so you all are around her just for money and she don't  want  that

Also she is

Y/n: mom revel my identity being a model  actor  and singer but i go to her and talk mom now its a lot information you give now stop

Miss patel: undarstand  that she don't  want to revel so let it go

After that all student attend class

In dancing  class
So y/n andjann can u saw some new dancing style

We both go and decide  to classical dance so we go and change after that we came all are curious because  we wear so.ething new
We are wearing this

ething new We are wearing this

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We start our dance

Every one chear and after that bts also dance

And bell ring indicate  that class is over

indian girl in korea bts ffWhere stories live. Discover now