part 13

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Y/n coming korea after 20 days. So she want to surprise  jann and enwoo so she change cloths and go university because  its break time

Hear jann and enwoo  sitting with bts and eating  lunch 

Y/n: i go to cafeteria  and search and found she is sharing  table with bts , but i don't  mind and i go behind her and close her eyes

Jann: i am eating and some  one  came and close my eyes but i know the person is y/n but i ask who are you

Y/n: guess who am i if you not guess it right then i don't  give u things i bought for u

Jann: i think you are anushka right

Y/n: little angree yes everyone  who close your  eye that person  is only anushka

Jann:giggal little and yaa baby why are u angree i know you are my baby and enwoo cutie

Y/n: okay  now give me a hug

Jann: standup and give a hug and enwoo  also join in a group hug

Enwoo: i miss you cupcake

Y/n : i miss u to oppa

Blackpink: we are not in clg for one month because  we have to go for shoot and award show performance practice  so we are coming and saw y/n coming 

After greating jann and enwoo  i am go towards bp table and greet  them

Hello unnies hiw are you all

Jisso : not bad but not good

Liza: great  as always

Rose: tieard  as hell

Jenni: fine and u

Y/n: i came at morning  because  i have emergency so i went to india

Okay  unnie bye i have to catchup with jann

After that i went towards  bts table  ans sheet with them  and i glare at enwoo  oppa  and he understand what i am thinking

Jann: y/n how was your promotion for upcoming  drama

Y/n:all good but i am tieard because i complete  all my sheen in 5 days

Jann: i told u not overwork

Y/n: yaa i am all fine and tell me why we are with them pointed at bts

Jann: long story i tell you at home

They all talk and y/n start little  conversation  with  bts

But hear bts gf angree sorry ex gf's are angree and want to expell y/n

Izumi came behind y/n and poor  juce in her head

Y/n : i know who did so i stand up and punch that bi*** and after that her minioun also came

And i fight with all of them and when i punch  nency principal  came

Principal: how dare you to bully other

Y/n: i am not bully them

Principal: i see that how dare u to hurt my daughter

Y/n: ohh so you are hiding your daughter   mistake  cant you see that she poor juce on me

Jen: no sir it was accident

Enwoo: i want to tell the truth but y/n stop me indicate her hand gesture

Jann: enwoo  why you stop

Enwoo:there is something big news is came up wait and see

Bts : sir we all are hear ask any of student

Principal: what i see was wrong how dare she bully  my daughter

Y/n: why what are u doing u expell me from this university u have no right to do that

Izumi: why not he is the owner of this university

Liz: he have all right

Y/n : are u sure about it because  i heard this university  have two owner

Ritz: what rubish are u talking

Principal: u are not coming  this university  from nlw on

Y/n : okay  but don't  rigrate later and also jann and enwoo  you both are come with me okay  and u guys  want then u came to(bts)

Bts ex gf: angree as hell because  they thought that i am begging  to Principal  and he ask for us to forgiveness but all things are not happening  and she take enwoo  and bts to

At house
Bts are seeting on couch and enwoo  and jann scold y/n

Jann:yaa why you did this

Enwoo: cutie  whay you disrespect  Principal you have to respact him because  he is elder

Y/n : so what he is elder if he want to respect  from other  then he also give respect to other you heard that give respect  and take  respect

Bts : but you are not allow in university

Y/n :who told u that you all are go tomorrow i am coming  with surprise

And they all play games and talk with eachother y/n also comfortable  around bts but she draw a line

enwoo : think that time heal everything   when good people are around i hope  bts bring  our old y/n who is care free and lovely and bubbly.

Jann: enwoo  u also thing what i think

Enwoo: node  a gead

Jann: hope  she leve past and move on and think about  her future

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