Chapter 12

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Peril and Tsunami both dove after Clay, but since Peril was a skywing she was much quicker in the air, so she quickly got to him, grabbed his claw and wrapped around him. Peril pulled her wings back out not stopping the fall but slowing it down considerably, they both landed in a heap at the bottom of the cliff. Starflight and Inferno quickly went after them, ignoring them two royal dragons following them. They quickly landed next to the three dragons and looked at Clay concerned that he had been burned by Peril.

Inferno looked over to Clay noticing that other than the injuries from the rough fall, he had not been burned. So both dragons got up and looked at each other confused.

Queen Scarlet: So have you finally figured it out, probably not so let me tell you.

Inferno looked over to the evil skywing queen that landed next to their little group with the sandwing princess and a whole lot of skywing guards.

Queen Scarlet: Mudwings born from blood red eggs have fireproof scales, I'm mildly surprised you didn't know this already.

Inferno looked behind him to see Peril wrapping her wings around Clay and whispering something inaudible to him. Once she finished whispering Peril walked over to Inferno and stopped next to him. She leaned over to tell him something.

(A/N * This little symbol means whispering.)

Peril: *Follow Clay I'm going to buy you guys some time.*

Tsunami: *Not by yourself your not.*

Inferno *Your sure you can handle this.*

Tsunami: *Yeah don't worry.*

Inferno: *Alright then.*

Peril quickly ran over to some of the skywing guards with Tsunami following behind her. Most of the guards ran away trying not to get burned. Clay took this as his cue and launched into the air avoiding many guards and any guards that tried to stop them, Inferno rammed into. Starflight stayed in-between the two large dragons avoiding any cross fire. A lot of the skywing guards gave up trying to chase after them after most of them started falling out of the air, so they went back to protect their queen from the burning dragon and a raging seawing.

Clay, Starflight and Inferno finally made it to the hidden cave in the waterfall and quickly laid down from exhaustion, so Clay gave them some more Information on Perils plan.

Clay: She told me to have us stay here until she gets back.

Starflight: But what if they get captured.

Inferno: Than we go back for them.

Starflight: How could we possibly take on all those skywings.

Inferno: I have a plan, don't worry we will just have to wait till tomorrow, but when it gets dark we should gather more information.

Inferno told them about the plan, Starflight is supposed to scout from the air at night since he could blend in the best. Than his job is to go around asking what the dragons did to get in prisoned, so that they can release the good ones the next day. The only issue is that their were more prisoners under the palace. Than the next day Inferno would create a distraction during the party and hopefully kill queen Scarlet. After Inferno went over the basics they sent out Starflight, and waited impatiently for his return.

Starflight landed back in the cave a while later, but he looked quite tired. Inferno walked over to him while the very stressed Clay ran and gave him a big hug.

Inferno: So what did you find out.

Starflight: Most of those prisoners were minding their business when they were found and put in prison, but about four of them were quite insane, so maybe just leave them be.

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