Chapter 3

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Inferno quickly ran after the other dragonets also wondering who could be in the cave at this time. They finally reached the cave and all the other dragonets spread out around most likely the new dragon. Inferno eventually saw what they were all looking at, it was a giant nightwing even bigger than Inferno. Immdeiatly Webs started introducing the dragonets to the new dragon that appeared.

Webs: Morrowseer these are the dragonets we promised, Clay, Tsunami, Sunny, and Inferno.

Inferno noticed that he skipped over Glory most likely because she wasn't in the prophecy even though she worked the hardest out of everyone. Inferno just wishes that the guardians would notice that.

Morrowseer: You have all failed me, these look more like disappointments to me.

Kestrel: Well we had a few complications after the skywing egg was shattered.

Morrowseer: Well I think you may be mistaken there is a skywing right there even if it looks extremely weird.

The dragon that Inferno now knows is called Morrowseer, has his gaze on Inferno. Inferno realizes that he hasnt been that intimidated for a long time.

Kestrel: This ones egg wasn't smashed the original one was.

Kestrel: This ones egg was found outside the cave entrance.

While kestrel was saying this she pointed over to Inferno while he couldn't care less, Inferno just wanted to see why Morrowseer was here and disappointed in the guardians. His answer was quickly answered when Starflight randomly started apologizing about diaspointing him.

Tsunami: Starflight what are you doing, why are you apologising you dont even know this dragon.

Starflight: Dont you guys realize, this is the dragon that founded the prophecy.

Inferno thought oh that makes much more sense, I dont see a reason to praise him though. He's just the lucky nightwing that saw the prophecy first. If he wouldnt seen it, then another dragon would instead. Because of this Inferno could care less who this dragon was if he wasn't so large.

Tsunami: So what he may have found the prophecy but he is just another prideful nightwing. 

Inferno noticed how little Tsunami cared about the new nightwing, which was a good thing because he knew that someone else shared the same opinion.

Morrowseer: I quite like this ones spirit, she will do quite nicely.

Morrowseer: I would like to know what this skywing is about, Kestrel you will tell me more later got it.

Kestrel: Of course.

Morrowseer: Now the next thing to discuss is, what is a rainwing doing here.

Dune: Webs the idiot he is thought that a measly rainwing could replace the skywing.

Inferno was wishing nothing other than Dune and Inferno fighting tomorrow for training so that Inferno could get some revenge for that statement.

Morrowseer: I am assuming this was before you found the new skywing egg.

Dune: Yes of course, he wouldn't have done it otherwise.

Morrowseer: I want it gone got it.

Dune: Yes-

Clay: No you can't do that she is family-

Tsunami: And SHE is defently not an IT.

Inferno: We all agree on that statement.

Tsunami: Plus if you dare try to do something, you would have to go through me first.

Inferno had no clue how tsunami could take take down a dragon as large as Morrowseer let alone stop him.

Morrowseer: And how exactly do you plan on doing that, see look.

At the same time Morrowseer quickly spet his tail twords Glory. As Glory easily jumped over his tail and landed perfectly on the same rock. Morrowseer was easily taken aback by that little dodge. Inferno was now very thankful that Glory asked him personally to train her for battle instead of Kestrel doing her normal training. Inferno was never the most agile of the dragonets but he found himself enjoing the thrill of fighting and most of the time was self-taught on techniques. Tsunami immediately took advantage of Morrowseer confusion and launched herself at Morrowseers back. Inferno just sat back and watched as Clay joined in the fight and Glory walked and sat down next to him. Morrowseers tail came swining at Inferno and Glory and he easily stopped Morrowseers tail from hitting both of them. Sunny ran over to them while Morrowseer was distracted and bit down on the soft scales on Morrowseers tail. Morrowseer was taken aback for the second time today, and he immediately stopped and flung two dragonets off him.

Morrowseer: Wow that I wasn't prepared for, you might do.

Morrowseer grabbed Sunny with one talon and put her on the ground while she was hissing at him. After that he turned around and looked to kestrel.

Morrowseer: You know what I want done so do it before tonight, and you Starflight follow me.

Morrowseer brought Starflight into a nearby cave while the guardians went to their cave for who knows what. After the dragons left in their separate direction Tsunami immediately started yelling at Inferno.

Tsunami: Why didn't you help he attacked Glory dont you care.

Inferno: Glory herself didn't seem like she cared.

Right after he finished the sentance he realized his mistake.

Inferno: Sorry Glory did you care about the fact he attacked you.

Glory: No, I could care less he didnt hurt me so it doesn't matter.

Clay: That doesn't change that fact he tried to hurt you.

Glory: His opinion wasn't going to change about me so what's the point.

At that time Dune walked back into the cave waiting for something, he looked really deep in thought like he was talking to himself. Just then he realized that he might be telling something to Morrowseer because nightwings could read minds. Inferno hopes that Morrowseer didn't focus on his mind because he is thinking about some very rude things about Morrowseer. After Infenro thought that Morrowseer walked back into the room with Starflight right behind him, looking sad or defeated, Inferno couldn't tell.

Morrowseer: You know what I want done so i will be leaving now.

Dune: Got it.

Dune walked up to the caves entrance boulder and unlocked the mechanism so Morrowseer could leave. Morrowseer quickly left the cave and flew off as Inferno watched the boulder roll back into place. Inferno quickly memorized what the outside looked like because they were never able to see outside so they didn't get any ideas. Inferno walked back into the sleeping cave to think about the many things that happened today, because there was defently a lot to think over. While Infenro did that Tsunami and Clay jumped into the river for a reason unknown to Inferno.

I know I don't normally post on Wednesdays, but I had a lot of time on my hand this week, but this won't happen every time.

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