Chapter 6

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Inferno woke up the next morning, surprised that he was not the first. It wasn't dark out but it wasn't bright either, Tsunami, Sunny, and Starflight were up to Infernos surprise. The only reason he was surprised was because Starflight was up, he normally likes to sleep in especially if he had training with Kestrel that morning. While still shocked about Starflight's early morning, Sunny noticed that Inferno was up and she ran over to him with way to much joy for an early morning.

Sunny: are you ready to see the world for the first time

Inferno: yeah, I guess

Sunny: what do you mean, I guess

Inferno: I just don't know what to do, what if this is where we are split up for our own reasons

Sunny: oh, I didn't think about that

Sunny: I wouldn't go off by myself, I know that I would stay with someone, but I don't want to split up in the first place

Inferno: yeah I agree

Inferno: lets get everyone up so that we can make a plan

Sunny: okay, I call Clay

Inferno: good luck with that, you know him

Sunny: yeah

Inferno went to go get Glory up because she was surprisingly really good at making plans. the others think that Tsunami is the leader and plan maker, but she just really likes to fight, and plays, that to. Inferno got to Glory and slowly nudged her awake.

Glory: isn't it to early to get up

Inferno: yeah, but we should find somewhere that is safer, at least for now

Glory: fine, but I am going back to sleep after we got a plan

Inferno: okay, that sounds fair

Both dragons walked up to the rest of the group to find a safe place to make a plan. When they got their they found Clay complaining about plans and Starflight arguing to him about safety.

Starflight: we can't chance another dragon hearing us make a plan

Clay: we don't have a plan yet though

Starflight: yeah that's the point of making one

Tsunami: I agree with Clay I don't see the point of waiting to make a plan, if we can make one right here

Inferno: I agree with Starflight, if another dragon hears us they will most definitely use that to their advantage

Tsunami: okay fine why don't we vote on it

Starflight: good with me

Tsunami called out to see who agreed with Clay's plan and Tsunami was the only one to agree. Next she called to see who would vote for Starflight's plan and Inferno, Sunny and Glory voted for his, so the end decision was to go with Starflight's plan.

Tsunami: okay, lets go with Starflight's plan

Starflight: lets go then

Everyone got ready to go, well everyone was already set but Starflight needed to get his scrolls first. Inferno was about to leap off the ground when he heard a scream come from beside him. He saw Sunny being pinned down by a large red skywing wearing golden chainmail and many accessories. Clay quickly yelled in alarm and ran over to Sunny just to be stopped by another skywing in dark gray armor.

?: I wouldn't do that if I were you

?: what could all these dragonets be doing in my kingdom, talons of peace maybe.

?: no, these are all dragonets that couldn't be it

Inferno stood there confused but ready to attack if necessary, why is this dragon talking to herself. Its like she is having an inner monologue.

Tsunami: who are you, and what are you doing with our friend

?: what am I doing, what are you doing in my kingdom seawing

Tsunami: what do you mean your kingdom

Out of the corner of Infernos eye he spotted Starflight quickly get down on his front legs in a bowing position. That was when Inferno realized who they were dealing with, this must be the queen of the skywings Scarlet. Inferno bowed down with Starflight but then realized why should he be bowing, queen Scarlet was taller than him but she was most definitely not stronger. Inferno was much longer with much thicker limbs.

Scarlet: yes the Nightwing gets it, even though I'm still trying to process that

Scarlet: and the other one too, but really what are you, your are defensibly not a skywing i have plenty of those with me

Inferno didn't move or say anything, partially because he was in shock and partially because he didn't know if Queen Scarlet was talking to herself

Scarlet: oh come on answer me or do you want this little gold dragon to be squashed

Inferno: I am not sure your majesty I have been told many different things

Scarlet: that answer will suffice for now

Scarlet: grab all of them and make sure none get away

Inferno watched while Tsunami fought the guards trying to take her, surprisingly Glory didn't try to so the same. Inferno watched as two guards carried him instead of one, he almost started laughing about how awkward this situation must have been for the two guards. After a short flight they saw a large arena with many large pillars around it with most likely, the skywing palace behind it. The guards put him on one of the pillars and chained his talons to the chains connecting to the other prisoners on the other platforms. One of the reasons he didn't fight back was to find out were the rest of the dragonets were, he saw Tsunami on the opposite side of the arena. To his left halfway to Tsunami he saw Clay get set down on the the right the same distance from Tsunami he saw Starflight. He watched as the guards put bands on his wings so that he wouldn't fly away, Inferno doubted that he could burn through these chains but he wouldn't dare try until he had a plan. With nothing else left to do he watched as Tsunami kept fighting the guards, Inferno assumed the guards won since they left a little while later. Inferno saw that it was getting darker. Slightly sad that he and his friends weren't starting there adventure like they were supposed to, but instead sitting as prisoners in the skywing palace took a bit out of him. So in the end Inferno decided to go to sleep for the night and get a plan in the morning.

(I apologies for this being late I had family over this week and didn't find enough time for it.)

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