Chapter 10

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The rest of the day was quiet, little talking between the two. Inferno tried to talk to him, hoping that Tidal wasn't angry at him, but he couldn't tell why he would be mad with him. Being in a war Tidal must have killed one dragon at least, so why was he mad at him. Inferno was cut out of his worries by a slicing pain in his tail. He lifted his tail to move it closer to his face, so that he could examine the damage, Inferno  saw that the area that was hit was slightly gray. To be honest besides it drastically stinging, it looked pretty cool. Since his scales weren't effected they stayed the exact same red color, with the gray skin behind it.

?: breathe on it

Inferno suddenly looked up to see who said that, he saw Shiver facing him waiting for a response.

Inferno: what

Shiver: breathe on it

He started to slowly breath on the burn to see what would happen, the pain slowly started to fade, even if the color stayed the same.

Inferno: thank you, but why would you help me

Inferno: we haven't spoken yet

Shiver: do we have to speak first for me to help you

Inferno: no, i guess not

He sat there in silence as he continued to breathe on his tail to slowly heal the frostbite.

Shiver: your right though i did have a reason

Inferno: oh what is it

Shiver: the fact that you don't know is the issue

Inferno: I'm not sure what that is supposed to mean

Shiver: you will figure it out eventually

Inferno: alright then

The rest of the night was uneventful, because he just slept through the rest of it. Inferno woke up the next morning to another sound of a horn. Startled from the sudden wake up, he quickly looked over the edge of his platform so that he could see what was going on. He had assumed that it would be another fight even though it seemed pretty early in the day, at least earlier than normal. Inferno watched as they pulled out a dark red dragon from the cave under Scarlets podium. Then he recognized the dragon shown, Kestrel one of their guardians. Scarlet quickly started to talk.

Scarlet: As you all know this is Kestrel, she disobeyed the highest offence by disobeying me, so she will die today

Inferno was angry but not surprised, Kestrel was never one to obey orders, but still Kestrel cared for him even if it wasn't a lot.

?: I agree how could she do such a thing, ignoring you, she deserves to die

Inferno saw that unlike the rest of the battles this time there was two dragons next to her one tangerine colored skywing to her right, and a wingless, maroon colored skywing to her left. He felt bad for the wingless skywing, a dragon that cant fly would never be truly happy.

?: she may have disobeyed you but she had a reason for her madness

?: may I continue

Scarlet: yes I suppose you can Osprey

Osprey: thank you, your majesty

Osprey: Kestrel used to be one of a queen Scarlets strongest warriors obeying every single rule, until one day

Osprey: she had an egg, this egg was no ordinary egg, this one had twins

Osprey: all of you know what could possibly happen with a twin egg

Inferno himself was very intrigued, what could possible happen to an egg with twins, especially if it was just skywings.

Osprey: one of the dragonets born from that egg contained no fire, but the other dragonet

Osprey: was born with too much fire burning anything she touched, I'm sure you all know who that is now

It was all coming together the odd burn marks on Kestrel, the skywing in the arena that burned dragons, and Kestrels immediate liking to Inferno. Kestrel always hated the dragonets but Inferno was different, some of the dragonets got jealous of this especially Tsunami, there was a time when Tsunami attempted to fight Inferno, to prove she was stronger. Knowing that it was important to Tsunami Inferno gave up the battle, hoping Tsunami would be happy, but no instead of Kestrel liking Tsunami, it made her hate Inferno more. Inferno would never make the same mistake again, but it never truly made Kestrel love him, his thoughts were cut out by Osprey continuing his speech.

Osprey: queen Scarlet found Kestrel attempting to run away from the skywing kingdom, she was intercepted and surrounded by the guards

Osprey: Kestrel was given a choice kill one of the dragonets and keep the other

Osprey: she killed the one with no fire throwing it off a cliff to drown

Osprey: after queen Scarlet changed her mind and told Kestrel to kill the other, she attempted to run away grabbing the dragonet with too much fire and flying away

Osprey: sadly the little dragonet was burning Kestrel so she was dropped at the mercy of queen Scarlet, while Kestrel escaped

Osprey: I know this because i was one of queen Scarlets guards at the time

Scarlet: that was so very boring why don't we kill you as well for being a very boring dragon

?: NO

Inferno looked over to where the noise came from, surprisingly from Clay's podium as the living daughter of Kestrel shot down off the podium and landed in front of Kestrel.

Scarlet: what are you doing here your supposed to be busy

Peril: I knew something was up with this

Peril: I will not let you do this

Scarlet: and how will you do that

Peril: I....I call upon the champions shield for my mothers life

Scarlet: now where did you learn that little trick from Peril

Scarlet: quickly turned over to Osprey with a menacing look

Scarlet: you taught her this, this problem I now have to deal with is your fault

Scarlet grabbed the wingless dragon and launched off her platform shooting past the podiums and into the sky. She stopped higher than Osprey could survive, as soon as Inferno saw Peril realize what Scarlet was going to do, Peril shot up to stop Scarlet. Scarlet saw her and dropped Osprey, leaving him to fall to his death, Peril quickly turned directing to catch him but Osprey, shook his head and Peril stopped. Osprey landed with a skinning thud and Peril landed next to him hunched over his dead body, clearly upset. Peril looked up to Scarlet with a stare that could kill.

(A/N so I have got another book that I am currently giving a try, please go read it if you have the chance and tell me if you like the idea or not. If a significant amount of people don't like it I will delete the book and try something else.)

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