Chapter 11

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Nothing different happened the rest of the day, Inferno paced around his podium like normal, Tidal still wouldn't talk to him, and Shiver minded her own business. At least Shiver would throw in a comment here and there, if Inferno started conversation. The night however went quite unexpected, Inferno heard a slight whining sound, that followed a certain tune that seemed familiar to him. The tune itself got louder and faster, Inferno realized that the song was the dragonets of destiny song that that the dragonets found out about, one day Webs got back to the cave with many different types of scrolls. Starflight was overjoyed with the find, Webs always tried to bring something for the dragonets, he would even listen to some requests and find what he could. Of course Webs never got anything for Inferno specifically but he didn't mind, there wasn't really anything he needed. He was brought out of his thoughts by a dragon singing to the words of the song, he looked over to where the singing was coming from and saw a female skywing to the left of Shiver, singing with a smile on her face. After a few seconds more dragons joined in, surprisingly Inferno saw Tidal join in as well, with a somber expression on her face. Inferno was wondering if it was something he did or if Tidal just missed her old life, Inferno certainly did.

?: What do you think of the song.

Inferno looked over to where the voice came from, seeing Shiver looking at him with expectance, Inferno answered truthfully.

Inferno: Honestly its a bit embarrassing.

Shiver: Oh really.

Inferno looked over to him with terror in his eyes knowing exactly what he was about to do. Suddenly Shiver started singing, the loudest of all the dragons right next to him, singing the skywing part of the song especially loud. A sandwing quickly flew up to the prisoners, and started yelling at them to shut up, Inferno noticed the amount of scars and jewelry on the sandwing. He assumed that this was burn, she must of arrived at the palace sometime during the day after this mornings whole fiasco. Burn quickly left and went back down to the castle, she probably wanted a good nights sleep before tomorrow. Inferno suddenly had a jolt of fear run down him, tomorrow was Scarlets hatching day, that meant that their would be a lot of battle most likely with the dragonets in it. Inferno himself wasn't worried but he was worried for Starflight or Clay who have never actually fought in a battle before. His worry was cut short by four skywing making their way to him, Inferno had no reason to fight even if he saw Tsunami from across the arena flailing around. One of the skywing guards, a dark red one with an even darker colored head came up to him first and said something that Inferno wouldn't expect.

?: Sorry sir but the queen requests to see you.

Inferno just looked at him with a puzzled face as the skywing guard carefully took off his chains, as if he was made of glass. The guards picked him up and brought him down to the entrance of the palace, than flew away except the dark red skywing. Inferno stood there not knowing what to do when he saw Scarlet and Burn walking toward them. 

Queen Scarlet: Oh and here he is queen Burn, the skywing dragonet that was evidently not killed by you.

Princess Burn: That's impossible I watched the egg shatter myself.

Queen Scarlet: Well how would you explain this.

Princess Burn: How would I know its your skywing isn't it.

Queen Scarlet: I suppose but what should we do with it.

Princess Burn: Put him in the ring with the rest.

Queen Scarlet: But that seems boring especially with the blue fire it uses.

Princess Burn: Fine what about you send him in with all those new icewings in the dungeons, surely a dragonet of Destiney would be able to handle that.

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