Chapter 2

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Glory and Inferno finished getting to the food cave. While eating, Starflight asked Inferno if he found any other abilities that Inferno might have. Inferno is progressively getting more and more frustrated every time Starflight asks him that question. I know that Starflight really likes finding out new things, but still, he asks way too often.

Inferno: No, I haven't found anything else about myself now. Please stop asking. (irritated)

Starflight: Oh, okay, tell me though, if you find something else out.

Inferno: Okay, fine, I will. (with a bit of frustration)

In all reality, Inferno did find something else about himself, while everyone else thought he had no abilities. He actually found out that he could breathe fire even if it was blue. After he finished eating, he plans to tell Glory about this newfound ability. You always tell Glory about things, and she always tells Inferno about things she has found out. For example, Inferno is the only one in this cave that Glory has told about her thoughts to change her scales to her surroundings. Inferno's thinking was interrupted by Dune entering the food cave.

Dune: After you all are done eating, you have to go study, alright.

Starflight: Okay, we will all get right to it. (a little too fast)

Since Clay left a bit early, Sunny went to go tell him about what Dune said. Inferno was last to get to the sleeping cave because he didn't want to get in the way. Inferno went and sat down under one of the sleeping ledges because the guardians only expected 5 dragonets and not 6. Without Inferno noticing, Clay finally got to the sleeping cave, and since everyone was there, Tsunami started barking orders about a game. Tsunami saw Clay trying to go to sleep, but Tsunami stopped him immediately and made him go stand in the corner, waiting for orders. The next dragon for her to annoy was Inferno, most likely because he was laying down.

Tsunami: Inferno, get over here we are going to start a game.

Inferno: Fine, I'm coming, but dont expect me to do much. (while very tired)

Tsunami: Dont worr, you just have to lay down in the middle of the room whithought moving.

Starflight: This reallydoesn'tt seem like studying. (with heavy distaste)

Tsunami:It's close enough. We are reinacting the death of queen Oasis, which counts right.

Starflight: I suppose it might. (slightly defeated)

Inferno: So why would I have to lay down in the middle of the room comleptly still?

Inferno: And what are you doing?

Tsunami grabbed Sunny, and she let out a little squeak, while Tsunami put her on Inferno's Back. Sunny started to shine about how spikey and uncomfortable Inferno was, while Glory tried to hide a laugh in the back. Inferno looked at Glory with a face that said, really.

Tsunami: Oh dont worry about it, Sunny is going to be queen Oasis because she is the only sandwing here.

Inferno: That doesn't explain why she is on me.

Tsunami: Oh, Inferno, it's because you will be the pile of gold.

Glory in back could barely hold her laughter in at this point. Tsunami would be Burn, Glory would be Blister, and for Blaze, they chose Starflight. Poor Starflight Inferno, though to himself, and for some reason, they wanted Clay to be the scavenger, the second largest dragon to be the smallest creature. Yeah, that doesn't make sense, thought Inferno.

Tsunami: Okay, Sunny, you can start now.

Sunny: Okey then, so uh, I am the greatest queen because....

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