Then after pausing for a while, "And yet I pray, I pray to God that you may not be the one I'm looking for, but if you are the one and the day it is proven, no one will be able to save you from me. So be careful, now you face me."

Without giving any answer to Aadhar, Avayan started calling Vipul, "Khanna, Khanna?"

Vipul heard Avayan's voice, he came running into his cabin, Avayan stared at him and said, "Take him out of here and if I see him in my office next time, it will not be good for you."

Hearing this, Vipul went near Aadhar and he held his hand but Aadhar stopped him. And then looking towards Avayan he said, "For now I am leaving, but I will meet you again very soon". Having said this, Aadhar left from there.

Avayan placed both his hands on the table and closed his eyes and said angrily, "Don't force me Aadhar, stay away from me otherwise you will lose your life. Avayan is only what you can see. So it would be better for you if you don't try to know me more than that."

There was no wrinkle of any kind on Avayan's face. That Aadhar had come to know about him. There was only anger on his face, and Avayan did not want Aadhar to become a victim of his anger nor did he want to kill him. Because if Avayan wants, he can kill him with in a minute. But Avayan did not want to kill his friend with whom he had lived his childhood.

On the other hand, Aadhar left for his home. After some time, Aadhar reached his room and he started throwing things here and there in his room in anger. Hearing the sound of things falling from his room, his mother came running and stopped him, "Aadhar? Aadhar? what are you doing all this?"

"what happened? Why are you so angry, Aadhar?" She added.

Aadhar said, "No Maa, nothing happened, please leave from here now". Saying this, Aadhar himself sent her out of the room and then closed the door of his room from inside.

Aadhar took his head in both his hands and said, "Why?Avayan, why are you doing all this?" Saying this, Aadhar sat on the bed and then staring at the wall said, "I have to find out, I have to find out the reason behind all this. After all, why has Avayan set out on this path? Today he is not just a part of his father's world, which he hated the most, but has become an uncrowned king".

"I have to reach the root of all this. And for this, I have to first find out the reason behind Avayan's disappearance ten years ago. Maybe it all started from there itself. Because my friend was not like this nor could he ever become. He wanted to live a decent and peaceful life."

Aadhar took out his phone, dialled a number and put it to his ear. When the phone was answered from the front, Aadhar said, "Listen! come to the Bureau and meet me".

Saying this he hung up the phone and then left for the bureau.

Evening time,

Nitya was strolling outside in the garden. Kaki was also sitting there in front. Nitya was looking at the anklets she was wearing while walking barefoot on the grass. With every sound of which a smile was appearing on her face.

Like a child, she used to find happiness in every small thing, meanwhile Madhav kaka also came there who had a tray in his hand, he placed it on the table and said, "Nitya! come daughter."

Nitya was about to walk towards him when she heard a voice from behind. Heard it, she quickly looked back and said to herself, "Where is this voice coming from?"

Thinking this, as Nitya went a little further, she saw a small puppy among the plants ahead. She went ahead and picked puppy up and made him sit outside the plants and then while caressing puppy's head she said in her mind, "Where did he come from here? he is so small. It seems that when the door was opened, he must have come inside by mistake."

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