Chapter 7

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Morgan had just touched down in the city to see her dad. No one knew she was home expect Nia. She ended up giving her the property her dad gave her because she had no use for it. It was too big, big enough for Nia so she gave it to her as a push gift.

Her and Nia had gotten very close over the years. Nia was a stay at home mom of twins and happily married living the peaceful life.

"Nia im about to see my dad... who's taking me to the airport in the morning" Morgan asked walking down the stairs.

"Mo sit down I need to talk to you" Nia said as she sat on the couch having a hot cup of tea.

"Wassup you okay" Morgan asked and Nia cleared her throat.

"When's the last time you talked to your mom Mo" she asked and she shrugged.

"Four years I don't know why" she asked and Nia sigh.

"Mo your mom has cancer and she's been had it for almost a year now" Nia told her and Morgan froze.

"Is she okay" Morgan asked as tears swelled in her eyes.

"Morgan she's almost done with chemotherapy, she doing alright I've been asking her when she was going to pick up the phone" she said and Morgan wiped her face.

"Nia why haven't you told me... like this is wrong" she said frustrated with herself.

"You only come down once a year and dealing with your father is enough... she asked that I not tell you and that she would but she has yet to pick up the phone so I'm telling you because she needs you more than anything right now.. your her child her only one, y'all have to fix this" Nia told her and Morgan sigh deeply, she was right.

"Where is she" Morgan asked and Nia eyes swelled before she could speak.

"She's in a nursing home, the cancer spread so she can't do much for herself now" Nia said and Morgan got up walked out the house slamming the door.

She broke down on her porch crying. Her heart hurt for her mom. She was so upset with herself for not being there for her mom. She got up and walked off the porch grabbing her blunt, she needed to relax. She could never catch a break.

"Tasia... your phone ringing" Ben shook her waking her up.

"Who is it" she asked and Ben handed her phone.

"Nia" he read the phone before looking at her.

"Answer it" she said and Ben answered.

"Hey Tasia i know it's late but umm... Morgan over there" Nia asked worriedly.

"No I haven't talked to Mo since she went back home actually... everything alright" she said sitting up grabbing the phone from Ben.

"Miles said he ain't heard from her either" Ben said remembering their conversation from earlier.

"Well I told her about her mom and she left and hasn't came back... she left her phone here and it three o'clock in the morning, im worried about her" she said and Tasia got out the bed.

"Oh god... that Morgan I tell you man.." Tasia said and Ben immediately called Miles.

"Yea Ben" Miles answered his phone.

"Morgan missing" Ben told him as Tasia stood in the bathroom talking on the phone.

"She down here" he asked sounding completely woke.

"Yea... sum happened with her moms and she ain't came back home since..  Tasia boutta go look for her" Ben said and Miles sigh.

"I already know where she at... tell them she gone spend the night with me" he said sounding like he was getting out of bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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