Chapter 4

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Morgan had just landed in Compton for the vacation. She waited at the airport for them instead of going to the house. She was nervous, she had seen them in years. She was trying to find words to put together. As she sat in her thoughts her phone rung.

"Morgan" Miles voice came through the phone.

"Hey Miles" she spoke as she sat up.

"We waiting on you" Miles said and Morgan looked around.

"I'm at the airport where are you" she said and Miles chuckled.

"Morgan my pops has a private... I'll be around to get you, what gate you at" he asked and she looked up.

"Gate nine, I'll met you halfway which way are you coming" she asked standing up.

"Don't move, I don't want you to carry your bags around the airport if I'm here so wait right there" he said and she sat back down.

"Alright, I'll wait right here then" she said and he hung up.

After about twenty minutes Miles found her. He grabbed her bags and she walked behind him through the airport. She felt her her nervousness all in her stomach.

"Don't be nervous" he told her as he looked over at her.

"I haven't seen them in so long" she said and Miles stopped her.

"We are your family and we love you Mo, no matter whose mad, who feels some type of way, we talk about it and if we can't we pray and move on" he told her and she sigh deeply.

"Thank you Miles" she said and he kissed her forehead.

"I got you babygirl" he said and she took a deep breath as she approached the plane.

"Sorry for the wait" Miles apologized as he let Morgan go infront of him.

"Hey baby" Mama Pat walked over to Morgan hugging her with excitement.

"I'm so happy to see you" she said and Morgan felt the love already.

"You look amazing Mama Pat.. hey everybody" she spoke and everybody waved even Tasia, she was happy to see Morgan.

"Hey Mo" Ben hugged her and so did Pops.

"Congratulations Tasia" she said seeing her belly.

"Thank you.." Tasia smiled lightly, she felt her emotions coming.

"Alright everybody be seated with a seatbelt our plane is about to take off in two minutes" the pilot said and Morgan sat on the window seat beside Miles.

"Where are we going Miles" Morgan asked realizing she didn't ask where they was heading to.

"Colorado, it's a cabin trip" he said as he rolled him a blunt.

"Isn't Tasia pregnant" Morgan asked since he was rolling,

"Pops got a smoking area in the back" he said and Ben got up.

"Come on Miles" Ben said stopping at his seat.

"You already done" Miles asked him and he nodded.

"A pro, you coming" Ben asked Morgan and she looked over at him.

"No thank you... I'm about to sleep this off" she said tucked her arm in her sweater.

"Alright sis... here go a blanket" Ben said getting a blanket from the closet.

"Thank you" she said and Miles stood up.

"I'll be back here with the boys... it's snacks and drink in the fridge in the front" he said and she nodded before getting comfortable.

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