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hey guysss!!!!!!!!!!

I am back!!!!!!!!!



Voice : oh family hug that too without me so bad

Listening the voice cute little family broke their hug. They know whom that voice belongs to and seeing the person after 20 days made them happy. Happier was cabir and nandini.

Cabir, nandini : NANNA (dad)

Cabir and nandini shouted seeing yash. Yes, that voice belongs to Mr. YASH MURTHY. Father of cabir and nandini. And father-in-law of manik and navya.

Cabir and nandini both ran and hugged yash tight and nandini started to cry seeing yash after 20 days. Yash hugged both cabir and nandini tight.

Seeing cabir and nandini calling yash nanna and hugging him tight made MM couple to come out of their trance. They understood that yash was alive, he also found nandini and cabir. Which made MM couple scare.

Maya : yash

Raj : he is alive

Prakash : how

Neyonika : now what will happen to us

Prakash : to our company

Maya : what about our children.

Raj : I don't know what's happening lets go home after we will discuss.

Swamiji saw everything and started speaking loudly which made MM couple, evils, devils and their little family to turn towards Swamiji.

Swamiji : everyone is here everything will come out every hidden truth will come out. Everyone will face their karma everything is a game every secret will be out its time. Within 7 days every hidden secret.... Every hidden truth will be out. No one will escape from their karma. Everyone will face their own karma...

Saying this Swamiji blow shankam (conch). Everyone was pondering on what Swamiji spoke. But their thoughts came to halt when ganesh came towards manan.

Elders went to jannat only devils are there with ganesh now.

Evils don't know who yash is abhi saw yash but he doesn't recognise. Evils were jealous when they saw manan and cavya bonding more jealous was alya seeing manan together.

So she thought to interrupt manan who are with ganesh.

Manik was caressing ganesh's trunk and nandini was feeding him bananas. Cavya was teasing ganesh holding nandini.

Everyone here was smiling and happy with each other but their happy environment didn't last long as evils were here to disturb them.

Alya (sweetly) : hi manik

Manik ignored alya like she didn't even exist. This made cavya and nandini laugh inwardly. Nandini was feeding ganesh and ganesh didn't like evils near manan and cavya especially manik and nandini.

Ganesh is protective of manik and nandini more than cavya. So, when ganesh saw alya was approaching manik, ganesh wrapped his trunk around manik waist and dragged him closer to nandini. Seeing this made alya angrier and more jealous.

But she ignored that and again started to move towards manik but ganesh again wrapped his trunk around manan and jerked them towards himself glaring alya.

Ganesh made a loud sound which made evils scare and they ran from there. This made manan and cavya laugh loudly.

Manik : okay enough of laughing

Nandini : ganesh take rest.. we are going...

Saying this manik and nandini touched their foreheads with ganesh and went from there towards jannat with cavya behind them.


Elders reached jannat and settled themselves on sofas soon devils too reached jannat behind them reached evils.

Seeing evils yash was confused as he doesn't know who they are.

Yash : mavayya (father-in-law) who are they

Yash asked pointing evils. Harsh was about to answer yash but was interrupted by alya.

Alya (rudely) : who are you first

Mukti : don't you know this is my house and you are asking us who we are

Listening mukti and alya made everyone anger.

Nandini (shout) : enough is enough.... Who are you first... don't you know how to talk with elders and just because I am silent that doesn't mean I will always be... you people are guests here be that.

Manik : and not to forget this is our home not yours. You are no one to us.

Suddenly everyone look towards entrance of mansion when manan are lashing out on evils, and there stood MM couple watching everything.

Seeing MM couple made yash enrage but he composed himself as he knows and understands why harsh allowed them into jannat.

Yash : oh I see now I understood who they are. How come they will get manners as they have parents like them.

Yash spoke pointing MM couple and evils and moved from there towards his room.

Manik once gave a glance towards MM couple and evils he took nandini's hand into his and started to go from there with nandini but stopped in his tracks. Without turning he once again gave a warning to MM couple and evils.

Manik : we are silent that doesn't mean we will always be silent and accept whatever nonsense you speak. Once again, I am warning you all and this is the last warning keep your children in line and teach them manners at least I am not going to repeat this. Teach them how to respect and talk to elders. And one more thing this is not your house after 3 days festival will be over and you all pack your bags I don't want to see you all after 3 days.

Saying this manik with nandini moved towards their room.




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