19. No taking risk

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I feel burns

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I feel burns.

I feel burns all over my inner body and that isn't because of the fucking tequila.

My heart is feeling heatstroke, fucking my entire body as if I walked on the burning coal and stood in the fire. It's burning on the left side of my chest, it's hammering right on the middle of my stomach and it's scratching my skin from inside and out.

Fuck. Fuck. And fuck.


I needed to leave the table. I needed to leave the table before I make a scene. I needed to leave the table before I could toss the table, thrash the tequila bottle on the floor and kick the every fucking chair around me. I would have, I would have choked Light to death if he wasn't my brother.


I don't hit my brothers, never, nor I ever will. It's the promise I made with myself. I don't want them to face what I have suffered. I won't give my brothers what our mother has given me. An excessive beating.


"Dark?" I heard Miss Diaz, following me when she was not supposed to. She is supposed to mind her own business until I work on my fucking anger. She needs to mind her own business when I'm trying to fucking calm my anger.

She followed me, appearing in the men's restroom. Her big blue eyes full of guilt and fear. Her delicate body walking towards with slowest speed possible as if I will hunt her down and eat her alive.

Maybe. Maybe I want to hunt her down and eat her alive to show her what it feels like to be eaten.

"Light is a good kisser?" It wasn't a fucking question. She didn't say I was a good kisser when she was begging me to kiss her. She didn't say I was a good kisser when cumming on my fingers while her tongue fought with mine. She didn't say I was a good kisser when she slammed me on the desk of my own office and devoured my lips crazily.

"Dark..." Her words are barely a whisper. Eyes blinking faster and faster, lips apart.

"Light is a good kisser?" I pushed myself away from the wall I was leaning on as the sight of her making me angry even more. Pale face, red cheeks covered in freckles, blonde hair falling on her shoulder and those blue fucking eyes, always the centre of attraction.

It was... I didn't mean..." She buffered and my hands moved on her arms automatically. I wanted to toss the hoody she was wearing and feel her cotton skin against mine.

"A good kisser?" I walked her back, feeling her breaths growing heavier and heavier. Her eyes stick to mine but teeth bit on her lower lip. So fragile, so real, so fucking beautiful.

I pinned her on her wall, sliding mg palm on her sharp jaw and made her look into my eyes. Those eyes, fucking gorgeous. I want to punish her for making me angry but, fuck, she looks way fucking fragile for the punishments I give.

DEAR, DARKOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora