Priest (Room For Rent)

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(No angst in this one. Priest is just being a wholesome guy, who's always happy to help a college student. :)   )


You were both: Distraught and angry. Perhaps you were also greatly disappointed in society and the people you were supposed to call superiors.

It has been proven to you, that even ididots can make their way to high-ranking positions. Through an epic failure of course.

Perhaps the biggest failure in all of college-organizing history. Well, your personal history at least.

You had applied for a college course in literature and creative writing in this town. Which meant you had to move out of your parents' house. Buuuut you didn't have the money for an apartment yet, so a dorm room at college would have to do.

Except some useless twat had fucked up your papers and the organization. In your acceptance letter they had promised you a dorm room at campus. But when you had arrived at your new college, luggage in tow and excited to start the next day, the staff had told you there was no room available under your name.

First you had thought it was a simple spelling mistake, which rendered them unable to find your name. Sadly that hadn't been the case. They downright forgot you. And all dorm rooms were full. No capacities for you.

Now here you were. In a strange town, on the street with your heavy suitcase. Not enough money for a hotel room. And the sun setting behind the buildings.

Honestly, you wanted to cry.

Instead you forced yourself to stay calm as you called your mom for advice. Otherwise the poor woman wouldn't understand you through your histerical sobbing and call the emrgency hotline for you.

The phone rang a couple times, before she picked up.

"Hey honey! Did you arrive well? Is your college room nice?"

"No! These idiotic fools forgot to give me a room!" So much for staying calm.


"I'm on the fucking street, mom-"

"Don't fret, love. Get a hotel room for tonight," she advised. Unfortunately you had thought of that already.

"I already called the open ones in town. They're all too expensive." Your voice wavered a little, threatening to break.

"Oh no-," was all she could say, followed by a beat of silence. You heard her fumble with a few things. "Honey, there's a church in town, right?"

"Yes..?" You were unsure about where this was going.

"Try ask them for assistance. They're usually very hospitable."

Your jaw almost hit the floor. Of course she would suggest the church! She always had been a very religious person.

"I'm sorry, what? The church is probably closed by now! I'm not gonna find them-"

"Now, now, honey. Each church has a rectory. If the priest isn't in the church, he'll be there."

"Is that, like... His home then?" You felt incredibly awkward just thinking about knocking on a stranger's door, asking for a place to stay.

Your mother hummed in confirmation. "That's right. A rectory usually holds the offices and living quarters for the church staff. Try talking to someone there. If they can't help you, call me again and I will pick you up and get you home."

"Ermmmm... I dunno about this one, mom..." You chewed your lip nervously. You rathered her to just pick you up either way. 

"You'll be okay honey. Give it a try now, before it becomes too late. Love you." With that she hung up on you.

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