AU #1 (Cottagecore)

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This is an AU I came up with! ^^

Have some facts about Wally and character introductions! I will think about lore/plot in more detail later, but this should give you a good idea of what this AU is like. Concept art and character designs are still in progress of being made.

About Wally

1) He is 3ft smol! :3 (Yes, canon height >:3)

2) Wally is a little menace. But he's cute. So he gets away with it.

3) He always rolls up his pant legs a little, otherwise they'd be too long.

4) Of course Cottage Wally always wants to look dapper, so he wears his pompadour, a now green ascot, well worn dress shirt, olive waistcoat and his usual or brown shoes.

5) His absolute favorite piece of clothing however is his giant, oversized, beige cardigan, that the newest neighbor in their village ( that neighbor being YOU) "lent" him.

6) You'll never get it back.

7) The sleeves are so long, they cover his hands most of the time. Which comes in very "handy" when "borrowing" apples from Howdy's farm.

8) Without his cardigan he gets very cold and upset.

9) That's why he wears it ALL the time. :)

10) All his clothes are mostly brown, beige or green.

11) He loves drawing outside! That's why he always has twigs, leaves and flower petals stuck in his hair. And the occasional bandaid on his "nose" or cheek, cause man's a little clumsy.

12) Wally blinks owlishly (like, one eye at a time) when he doesn't understand something.

13) Home is a tree house in this AU!

14) Underneath Home, Wally has a flower garden, where he grows his own special "spiral flowers".

15) Wally can see through these spiral flowers.

16) Wally has given each neighbor a spiral flower as a symbol of his friendship and platonic love. :)

17) Wally has an especially fluffy bed of flowers underneath Home's entrance, so he can just jump down into them without getting hurt.

18) Wally loves to nap in flower beds. No matter where.

19) He has a swing made from vines.

20) Flower crowns all day baby! One for every occasion and weather.

21) If his flowers wilt a little, he will ask Julie to drop by and talk to his flowers to figure out whats wrong with them.

22) Wally has freckles in this AU! :3

About Howdy

Howdy is a farmer in this AU, who does both: Grow crops and raise animals. Whatever his neighbors may need, be it wheat, milk, butter, cheese or wool - no matter! - he's got it all and is happy to sell or share. It's a lot of work tho, to maintain a farm. Even when he's got four hands! So naturally he appreciates any help he can get and will repay accordingly. A jolly, big floof with a big heart, who adores a good joke to lighten the mood during work.

About Poppy

Poppy loves to go on walks in the woods. She has a little nack for collecting all sorts of mushrooms. But fret not! She knows each and every one of them by heart! Same goes for all types of herbs, nuts and berries and everything else you can forage for. She usually ends up cooking stock, conserving/drying the things she collected, to make tea from it or even home made medicine. She always makes wayyy too much for just herself tho, so she gives a lot of it away to the neighbors. Sweet, gentle and caring as usual.

About Frank

Frank is the local librarian, who keeps the small community building (where the library is in) in check. He's also keeps bees as a hobby. His bees usually fly around either the community area or Howdy's fruit trees. He knows a lot - and I mean A LOT - about all sorts of insects, with his favorite still being butterflies. Frank always seems to act a little off when Eddie's around. He is usually very disciplined and stern, but likes to loosen up every now and then.

About Eddie

Eddie is your local mailman! And if he isn't delivering newspapers or letters, he helps Howdy out on the farm. He just looooves the animals there. He's quite clumsy and gullible, sure, but he has the potential to be the best friend you could ever ask for. His favorite spot to hang out in is the community area of the village. A big guy, who is (not so) secretly an even bigger softie.

About Frank & Eddie's relationship

Now, both of them are obviously gay. For each other. A LOT. Eddie is super chill and open about his feelings towards Frank and likes to flirt with him whenever he gets the chance. Or he flatters him with small gestures like giving his hand a smol kiss, when they meet. Now here's the thing: Everyone knows that Frank is gay. Except for Frank himself.
He's just way too stubborn and proud to admit to himself that he's fallen in love with Eddie. Thus he hasn't even figured out he's gay yet. But: He still gets this fuzzy feeling and red cheeks when Eddie's around. Frank still gets flustered and worked up, when Eddie gives him a compliment. Which annoys Frank to no end, because he cannot figure out why he's feeling the way he does. But Eddie is blissfully unbothered by this, knowing exactly what's going on with Frank. So he keeps up his flirting and patiently waits for Frank to come out of his shell. TLDR: Shenanigans ensue. In a comical way.
And yes, they'll become a couple later on.

About Sally

Sally is an aspiring musician, hoping to swoon the world one day. She can often be found just lounging around in scenic spots, strumming away on her guitar or banjo and humming these sweet, sweet tunes. She is a dreamer and more easygoing character, who adores poetry and duets with her friends.

About Julie

Julie is the local florist in the village. She knows every single flower by name, considering she can speak to them. She likes to help her friends to tend to their gardens and keeps the flowers in the community area in check together with Frank. She is a very chipper gal, who enjoys quality time with others which may or may not involve taking them on little adventures outside of the village.

About Barnaby

Barns is still Wally's best friend and tells his jokes like there's no tomorrow! But the Funny Business isn't his only one! He usually helps Howdy with herding, when Eddie isn't available or does all sorts of odd jobs throughout the whole village. His friends and neighbors appreciate him for his helpful and relaxed nature. When anyone got a problem, he usually calms them down by already having a good solution and offering to help. The only downside? They'll have to endure his petrifying puns all the while!

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