Cottagecore AU (More Headcanons!)

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Wally is an artist through and through. It's one of his special interests that he burns for with never ending passion. It's hard to buy art supplies in and around their village, so Wally taught himself how to make them from scratch! Brushes and paint are easy enough. Making a canvas is a bit more difficult though and he doesn't always have all materials. Thankfully this isn't a big problem with his creativity! Anything can be a canvas! From stones, to wood, to plates, to clothes, anything! If his neighbors want anything to look more beautiful, Wally is the first one to turn to! His other special interest is you of course! And his other neighbors!^^

Howdy HCs!

1) He is a big floof! With an even bigger heart!^^

2) His green fur has lots of little darker spots and speckles, that look a lot like freckles! They cover his back and shoulders, including his upper arms.

3) Because of his fur and the hard work he does every day, he rarely wears a shirt during the warm seasons. Overalls and a straw hat will have to do.

4) He cares very much for the other neighbors. As the only farmer in the valley, he views it as his top priority to keep everyone fed.

5) If he hears about any of his neighbors having a shortage of supplies or trouble to pay for what they need, Howdy will be the first to give it to them. For free!

6) He will vehemently refuse payment in this situation.

7) People who help him on his farm, will often go home with their arms full of goods and gifts at the end of the day.

8) As a caterpillar food is his greatest joy! Especially sweet little treats to sweeten the day every now and then!

Poppy HCs!

1) Poppy's house is a giant, old tree stump!

2) The top of it, or better, the roof, is accessible of course and functions as a terrace.

3) Poppy loves to drink tea up there!

4) She also invites neighbors over for cake and tea pretty often.

5) She's a kind and gentle momma bird. <3

6) Poppy loves to teach her neighbors everything about cooking, baking, herbs and everything else she collects or does in the forest! All they need to do is ask!

7) Sometimes she will accidentally call her conversation partner "child" or "my child". Simply because of her motherly attitude. The others don't mind and happily embrace the nicknames.

8) Another reason Poppy views the other neighbors as children is, because she's the oldest one in the village!

9) A bit more spooky: Poppy can sense and sometimes even see spirits!

10) She wouldn't call herself a medium though. Poppy prefers the term light witch.

Julie HCs!

1) Julie regularly accompanies Poppy on her walks.

2) Yes, she can still talk to plants! ^^

3) She looooves flowery dresses and these big fancy hats with a wide rimb and ribbons or flower ornaments.

4) Julie has a giant greenhouse, where she grows the flowers for the village.

5) In her greenhouse is also a spot to sit down at a small table and share tea or gossip.

6) Her and Frank often meet in front of the community center to tend to the flowers there.When they do, they share the latest news and gossip and just can't stop talking!

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