AU #2 (Rescue AU)

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This AU I came up with ^^

For this AU I would like to start with introducing the lore/story. ^^
Little warning at the beginning: There will be rascim/mistreatment mentioned (from humans against puppets).
Also: This AU was inspired by the Actor AU by frillsand on Tumblr. ^^

Onto the lore:

Basically, this AU takes place in a universe, where humans live alongside puppets. Problem is: Humans are assholes (as per usual) and have established a system or society, where puppets have fewer rights than humans. Where puppets are viewed as 'lesser' in a sense.

Puppets aren't viewed as people, but as... Well... Puppets. A thing you can own and have control over or keep as a pet. (Like a kitty or a dog).

Not all people are bad or abusive. Some people treat the puppets they take under their wing right, give them what they need and have them be part of the family. Others will view them solely as pets, but still treat them okay, seeing as 'right' wouldn't be the correct term here.

Buuuut, there's also people, who don't care about the puppets at all and force them to do hard labor until they drop, have them participate in cruel competitions (like dog fighting rings, but with puppets), use them for experiments or keep them just for the sake of abusing them.

Unfortunately there are no laws to prevent or prohibit any of this in this universe.

To fight this injustice, kind humans and puppets alike have gathered under the leadership of a puppet named "Home" and formed and organization. They call themselves "The Neighborhood" and members of this organization are usually referred to as "Neighbors". Their banner or logo is a simple drawn house in a red circle.

This organization focuses on rescuing ill-treated puppets, restore their health and confidence and find them a good and safe place to live. Additionally they fight for equal rights between humans and puppets at court, opt to implement protective laws for puppets and more punishments for humans, that break these laws.

And now it's time to talk about you (or your OC if you prefer ^^). You work for the organization as a nurse or doctor in one of its outposts, the so-called "sanctuaries", in a bigger town.

The other neighbors (y'know Howdy, Frank, Poppy, etc) are also at this sanctuary, either working as well or being the ones that need help.

The story begins with you on your way home from another shift at the sanctuary. It's late at night and you pass an alley with dumpsters in it. Something catches your eye and you hear whimpers. You decide to investigate and find... Wally.

Poor thing is an absolutely horrifying, beat-up state,we speaking half teared limbs and stuffing spilling out from everywhere- Someone had just dumped him in the alley and left him to die.

You are obviously shocked by this and immediately jump into action. You cradle Wally into your jacket, trying to minimize his suffering, and bring him to the sanctuary as quickly as you can.

You help with treating him and stay by his side even though your shift is long over. You end up staying the whole night, afraid he might die the second you leave.

The story continues with Wally's slow recovery and him finding his place among the neighbors in the sanctuary. You and Wally become friends after this and after a visit of "Home" to check how the sanctuary is doing, Wally joins The Neighborhood himself.

He becomes a caretaker similar to Poppy and focuses on helping the children they rescued feel happier and more at home. (You kinda discovered he's really good with kids after one cried in his vicinity and he calmed them down no problem)

You and Wally will go on many missions together in the future.


That's the lore/plot I have so far. Character introduction will follow sometime in the future. ^^

Lemme know what you think!

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