Headcanons #1

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I just wanted to share a few headcanons I have come up with for the different Wallys while hyperfixating on them, lol. Obviously they're not official information for the different AUs, so take them with a grain of salt.

Each AU belongs to their recpective creators, of course and I claim nothing about them. I just wanna be silly-

Other than that; enjoy!


For Mob AU:

1) Underneath the city is a giant, accessible sewer system. Yes, one of these old-timey, grimy ones that are basically a bunch of tunnels. Through them you can reach any point within the city.

2) The sewers are literally the underground of the city. The government has lost all control over them and they are now entirely ruled by another mob.

3) The city above ground is split into several different territories between the different mobs Wally's Family included. But none of them own any part of the sewers, or rather the Underground, as they are called now.

4) Yup, the entire Underground is ruled over by only one mob. Which makes it basically the biggest territory to have. Needless to say, this mob is arguably the most powerful and influential. Even more so than the Family.

5) The Underground mob is referred to as the "Merchants". They're not too big on fighting in person. But what makes them so dangerous is their abundance of connections to all parts of the city. And their access to all kinds of goods. You make them mad, they won't pick an open fight, but rather ignore you for the moment. But you better check twice what food you eat, which car you drive where and what areas you enter. Or you'll find yourself in a tragic "accident".

6) Back to the sewers. What makes them such a special territory? It's where the Black Market of the city is located. It's pretty much in the middle of the city (well, underneath the middle, lol). There's a giant cistern down there. One of these really old ones, that are basically huge halls with pillars and vaulted ceilings. The Merchants pumped out all the water from there and any tunnels they are using. An elaborate system of pumps and pipes is keeping the important parts of the Underground dry.

7) Since this system wasn't set up by professionals, sometimes the pumps leak or burst. Sometimes on accident, sometimes not...

8) In the Black Market you can find all sorts of stalls and shops for all sorts of things; both legal and illegal.

9) There's also a boxing ring somewhere, where contestants can fight to the death for a very decent prize. There are no rules and the betting business around it makes good money.

10) Many of the vendors down there also live down there, close to their shops. The Underground is basically it's own society. Life there is harsh and unforgiving, since there's no laws to protect the weak.

11) The Merchants collect fees from the vendors of course. Regulating the Black Market is their main source of income.

12) But they also collect "Trespassing Fees". You can make a contract with them and pay this fee regularly. In return you are granted free access to the Underground and it's economy under the condition of treating it as neutral grounds.

(The next headcanons are about Dr. Stoneface and Robbie. Two of clownsuu's OCs. I love them sm, they're so scrunkly-  Pls check them out when you have the time. If it's not okay to make headcanons about them, pls let me know and I will remove these headcanons.)

13) Dr Stoneface is German! He grew up there and became a scientist. For several reasons he had to leave the country though and moved to America, where he joined Wally's mob (is he part of the mob? I think he is?) many years later.

Wally AU Oneshots And Other Stuff Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora