Mob (Initiation P2)

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Darkness. Blissful void.

You were floating, thankful for the emptiness around you. It was cool, helping your overheating self to regulate. It was quiet, helping your racing thoughts to still.

Where were you though?

Oh right, you had passed out. Were you dead? Had the stress and fear finally caused your heart to give out?

Thinking back on what had happened made you shiver even in your odd bodiless state.

At least the pain didn't carry over into wherever the hell 'here' was.

You were grateful for that. Oh so grateful for the small break from everything.

It was nice not feeling like you were being watched. It was nice all alone for once.

Until you weren't.

Suddenly the darkness around you was ripped open by slivers of crimson. They opened wider, like wounds being teared into the void. All around you giant eyes opened up. Glaring and red. All of them were focused on you. Pupils twitching from the strain of focusing on you. And only you.

They were so much bigger than you. All of this was so much bigger than you.

Home was so much bigger than you.

Your heart began to race again. Immedately all sorts of relief you had felt before fell from you. Anxiety came crashing back down on you. Threatening to drown your soul with its unbearable weight.

There it was again! This feeling of being scrutinized like an insect in a jar.

As if to empathize with you, the eyes around you began to cry. But instead of tears they weeped red fog.

It twisted and expanded in the void, filling the space around you. It reached out for you with misty tendrils. Hungry. Demanding.

You tried desperately to swat them away, but your hands would phase right through. The fog wrapped aound your limbs, torso and neck, clung to your skin. And seeped into it.

You choked on your on breath. Your head. The fog was cramming itself into your head. You gripped your hair, tugging at it. As if that would help you.

Helpless to the display around you, you watched as the fog became more dense right in front of you.

It coiled around itself to form a thicker mass. Compacting more and more untl it shaped the body of a being.

Your breath hitched in your throat. Your chest tightened painfully.

This was the monster from your nightmares!

This was Home.

The being had a hulking stature. Easily double your height. If not even taller. Six arms portruded from its torso, each pair in different types of resting positions. Necklaces made up of eyes - all staring at you - adorned its neck, along with an upside down cross. They sat atop otherworldy looking robes, that were as crimson as the fog around you and in your head.

And its head... Oh god its head-

It had no head. Instead a structure mimicing a house sat atop its shoulders. Red walls, blue roof, smoking chimney. Its mout was a yellow little door. Somehow it reminded you of a constant frown. The windows on either side of it were its eyes. Staring down at you judgingly. Some sort of grime or black goo leaked out of them, giving its face a stained, dirty look.

Home needed no words to get its message across. Its stare more than enough.

You're mine now mortal. You will serve me.

One of its many hands reached out for you. Your remaining eye widens in horror. You want to move away, but found it an impossible endeavor.

Home grabbed your head. Its hand large enough to envelop it completely. It could crush your head if it really wanted. But that would defy the purpose of making you part of the family.

Death wouldn't come for you this easily anymore.

Your thoughts began to swirl. Inner voice transforming into some sort of garbled mess.

In your panic, your thoughts wanted to race, but something held onto them. The fog in your mind thickened. Dulling your feeling making you feel drowsy. Your urge to resist faded more and more into the background as Home hungrily consumed your thoughts.

First they slowed down. Then became quieter. And eventually faded away until you had no opinion about this situation left.

Should you fight back? Probably, but you couldn't find the will for it. It was nice, actually. Feeling your panic finally ebb away. All the negative emotions disappearing. Until nothing of them was left besides blissful indifference to what was happening.

Next were your memories. Home looked at them, analizing every moment of your life so far. Gathering the information on what kind of person you were until now. What aspects of you it wanted to keep around. And which it wanted to change. No scecret was left uncovered.

But you didn't care.

Each memory Home disliked got tossed out. Vanquished from existence. Until only very few were left. The very basic construct necessary to keep you a functional person.

Last thing on Home's list were your hobbies and interests. Same procedure applied to them as with your memories. What was deemed useful got to stick around. And what was of no use got deleted from your mind.

In the end, all that was left of you, was a mere shadow of who you used to be. But alas, you wouldn't miss the things you'd forgotten. You wouldn't miss these parts of yourself.

Blissful indifference. Only an odd calmness resided within you. The faith and trust you'd from now on put into Father Home.

Father knows what's best after all.

Satisfied with its work, the being let go of your head.

You watched it now with mild interest, taking in its appearance. Again for the first time, since you had forgotten the previous time.

This time you weren't scared.

Home nodded slowly in approval.

It was time to wake you up. Let you start your new life. With your new family.

Home dissolved back into the red fog, retracting from your mind for now. Allowing you to rest and sleep properly for the first time in six months.

You gratefully let yourself plunge into the darkness.

<^> <^> <^>

When you awoke, you found yourself in some sort of hospital bed. Clean white sheets comforting you. The room you were in was bright and sterile.

But you could tell this wasn't a hospital. There was no professional equipment or any of the likes. Plus, the room looked way to fancy.

You raised your head in confusion, looking around.  You were alone.

You felt drowsy from sleep. Your head was filled with cotton. Thoughts mulled and difficult to decipher.

But you were okay with that.

Sunlight seeped in through the windows on your right.

It was nice. Peaceful and quiet.

It helped you not minding the fact that you couldn't seem to remember anything.

Wally AU Oneshots And Other Stuff Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat