Period 2- Business Studies

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September 6th, 2049

Day 1: 10:05 AM

Aurora's POV

Finally, history is over. I can't believe I managed to go through the entire lesson without killing someone. Well, I'm not being completely honest. During the lesson, we had to give a speech about WW2. During my speech, Isabelle threw a water bottle filled to the brim at me, but my instincts kicked in, and I managed to kick it back at her face. Now she has a bruised eye and wet hair. I didn't get into too much trouble since it was Isabelle who started it. Ugh! I wish she was in the final battle. I could have thrown her into shit as well. But I still have some flashbacks from that event.


I turn around smiling, but my face drops when I see her sad face and her face ruined by makeup that was smeared on her.

"Start talking. What happened?" I ask, bringing out a pack of tissues.

"Audrey, while I was answering the questions, she started to make fun of me, saying I was wearing too much makeup and that boys like natural girls, all that nonsense. I tried ignoring her, but she tapped me on the shoulder, and when I turned around, she smeared 24-hour lipstick on me." She explains, wiping her eyes.

This girl can't torture me like she did last year. It got so bad that I hid in the bathrooms during lunch to avoid her last year. I met a few of my friends halfway through Year 7 so I was alone. I'm not about to allow her to do the same to Heather. This girl better pray I'm not alone with her during the day.

"What did Anaya do?"

"She was on the other side of the room. She couldn't do anything."

I have never seen so much red in my entire life, but Heather is still crying. I have to help her. I bring out a laser that removes makeup by scanning her face and use it to remove all of the makeup. While I do, we lock eyes. I feel like a spark, and I feel my palms feeling hot and sweaty. I have never been so physically close to her.

"Thanks, girl. Please don't do anything to Audrey."

"It's fine, but if she says anything to you again, I won't hold back."

She nods, and we walk over to the business classroom.

"Hey, new girl, you owe me an apology!" She shouts.

"Fuck off, Audrey. I'm not in the mood." I shout.

"You know my name? Has someone been telling you how good I look?"

I look at her up and down.

This girl is wearing a pink top and a white shirt, kind of resembling Heather's outfits. She looks like one of those mean girls in a Hollywood film. She is also wearing 3 layers of makeup, so you can barely see her blue eyes. She also sprayed so much fake tan on her face that it is going onto her blond hair, while Heather is only wearing mascara and some light lipstick. Natural, my ass. She looks like the female version of Donald Trump.

I open my mouth to say something, but Heather puts a hand over my mouth.

"We are just leaving, don't worry," Heather says while giving me a pleading look.

For her sake, I nod and turn around to walk to our next lesson.

"Ahhhhh, let go of my hair!"

I turn around. This bitch is pulling Heather's hair. That does it. I rush to Heather's side and kick Audrey in the shin. She lets out a scream of pain as I grab Heather's hand and sprint to business.

Suddenly, I feel like time has slowed. Heather is holding my hand, and we are both smiling as we run to the lesson. Heather is a lot slower than me due to all the training I did when we were hiding in a lab, so I stop running.

"What's wrong?" She asks, glancing behind us at the group chasing us.

"Do you trust me?" I ask.

"Yeah?" She replies, waiting for me to finish my answer.

"I can't believe I'm doing this, but hold on tight."

I crouch down and pick Heather's entire body up.

She looks around bewildered but then says, "Hurry, they're catching up."

I hold onto Heather as I run as fast as I ever have. I can't believe that even with the extra weight I'm holding, I'm still managing to outrun her entire group. I tell Heather that maybe if they did more exercise, they wouldn't be out of breath, making her laugh and making my heart race. Soon, I run into the classroom, still holding Heather.

"Miss Moonlight, why do you look like you ran a mile? Miss Thompson, why are you being cared for by Miss Moonlight?"

" Sorry, Mr. Carlson. It's a long story, we got chased by idiots. Are we late?" I ask before putting Heather down.

"No, you're the first person here. So may as well tell you about the project?"

"Project?" We say it in unison.

"Yeah. You have to set up your own business, and whoever sets up the best one wins £2000."

"£2000!" I yell unintentionally.

"So cool! Can we partner up, sir?" Heather asks.

OMG! She wants us to be partners! What am I thinking? We're friends, and of course, she wants to partner up.

"I don't see the problem."

We head to our seats (the seating plan is on the board) and bring out our notebooks. The class comes in as well but Audrey and Isabelle are nowhere to be seen. I move to the other side of the room to open the window and of course, Audrey and Isabelle walk in. They don't spot me but they spot Heather.

"Miss Blackwell, Miss Darling, you're late!"

"Sir, I got attacked," Audrey says, exaggerating her limping, then turns to Heather.

"What happened to the makeup girl? Did you not like it?" Isabelle says this while laughing.

Heather glances at me, but I motion for her to stay silent.

"You know boys like it natural."

"It's not natural for you to have 3 abortions in one year, is it? Did you use Daddy's money to pay for it?"I say, catching their attention.

"How do you know that new girl?"

Is this girl serious?

"Are you fucking for real?! Audrey, you are more blind than Helen Keller. You seriously don't recognise me?"

She looks at me and whispers, "No way...Rory?!"

"No shit stupid and it's Aurora to you.

Stay away from Heather. Otherwise, I will make sure you won't be able to use your legs again. We are currently in business class; maybe you'll learn to mind yours."

She looks back and forth between Heather and me before walking to the other side of the classroom.

Smart choice.

I sit down and turn to Heather.

"Thanks, girl." She says, looking very grateful and relieved.

"You good? Did they say anything else?"

"No, but are you going to tell me why Isabelle's hair is wet?"

"Don't get me started on that bitch."

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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