Period 1-History

9 2 0

September 6th, 2049

Day 1: 9:05 AM

Aurora's POV

Form time is over, so I better head to history. Heather has geography, so she's going to be with Anaya. At least, I know Anaya is going to protect her. Bailey is with me, so I won't be alone in this lesson. As I head upstairs, people around me are either admiring my looks or trying to figure out who I am. Some people who saw me earlier today are complimenting me.

"Rory, look! All the boys are looking at you. You're not going to stay single for long." Bailey teases.

"Haha! Very funny!" I say, but I feel slightly sad because, deep down, I know they are not the ones I want.

I stand outside Miss Carlson's classroom, waiting for her to tell us to come in. She comes out and says, "Alright guys, come in."

I try to walk into the classroom, but she stops me.

"What have I done, miss?" I ask, feeling slightly scared.

"Sorry, lovely, but who are you? Are you going into the wrong class?"

I feel my cheeks go red as I hear Isabelle's group giggling.

"Hey, new girl - "Isabelle starts to say while smirking, but my mouth reacts faster than my brain:


That "what" with an angry look from me is enough to quiet them and cause the entire class to look and move away from me. Even Bailey is surprised.

"For goodness sake! Miss, it's Rory!" Bailey screams, looking at her with an annoyed expression.

"Yeah!" The entire class backs me up, which surprises me. Someone else backing me up would have been so rare last year.

Miss looks at me again and looks very surprised and embarrassed.

"Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry, Rory. I didn't realise it was you." Miss Carlson says with an apologetic look on her face.

"It's fine, miss. Trust me, you're not the first one."

"I have to say, you look stunning."

"Thanks, Miss. Shall we go in?"

"Yes, everyone, you may come in."

We all walk in excited, but Miss says that we have a seating plan.

I'm sitting next to Bailey, luckily, but then

"Isabelle, you're sitting behind Rory."

"WHAT!" Isabelle exclaims.

"Miss Carlson, I don't want to sit next to her." She whines. This girl is standing right next to me.

"Miss Carlson, I don't want to sit next to her," I say mockingly, making the people around me laugh.

"Do you seriously think I want to sit next to you? Like, do you think you're that important?"

Miss Carlson herself is struggling to hide her laughter. Harrison has spat out the water he was drinking. He looks really funny!

"Sorry, you two, but rules are rules."

We suck up our disappointment and walk to our seats. Thank goodness Bailey is sitting next to me. At least I have some way of not going insane this year.

"Jason, you're sitting next to Rory."

Can this lesson get any worse?

I look up to see Jason on the other side of me, holding his schoolbag and grinning. Isabelle is giving me a glare.

"Don't worry, the both of you; I fixed my taste during the summer," I say, then casually take a sip of some water out of my black and red water bottle.

Bailey and the people around me begin to laugh again, and one dude falls out of his chair.

Jason's grin disappears.

He reaches over to me.

"Listen here, Rory-"

I grab his shirt and pull him close.

"No, you listen here, Jason. Firstly, it's Aurora. Only my friends call me Rory, and you are not one of them. Secondly, I still have the recording, so you better be careful; otherwise, I will send it to Isabelle. Watch yourself, or I'll make sure you're covered in shit again." I whisper fiercely into his ear.

I let go, and he moves away, looking rather shaken.

"S-Settle down, class." Miss Carlson says this before putting a hand over her mouth.

I get up and walk over to Miss' desk.

"Miss, are you sure this is a good idea?"

"Sorry, Rory, you were the only one I could think of that she wouldn't willingly talk to. I felt bad, so I put Bailey next to you. Harrison is going to be in front of you as well."

"It's fine; as long as she doesn't try anything, I won't kill her." I reply before walking back to my seat.

This is going to be a long lesson.

Hiding in a Lab: Aurora and HeatherDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora