Chapter 1: Back to school

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September 6th, 2049

Day 1: 8:40 am

Aurora's POV

Hey guys, after that adventure we had, I'm honestly happy to go back to school. I can't believe I'm in Year 10. And I want to see Jason with a bruised face.

While holding my breath, I walk closer and closer to the school gates. I hope I look nice, since it's 30 degrees today for no apparent reason, so I put on a black top with gold sequins while wearing a black leather jacket with red outlines, matching skirts and boots, and golden earrings today. Wearing blood red lipstick won't make me look "desperate," right?. I also secretly added red streaks to my black hair the day before. Mom said that I looked nice, but she wasn't too happy that I didn't ask her. This morning, I made sure I got dressed after Anaya so she wouldn't copy me.

I walk through the gates, and everyone turns their heads in my direction. People, even teachers, immediately compliment my new look, although some teachers look more surprised when they realise who I am. I walk past the mean girls when.

"Hey new girl, you realise that this is a school, not a strip club, you slut!" Audrey yells, making her group high-five each other.

"Girl, instead of worrying about my clothes, worry about your STDs." Her grin drops, and she opens her mouth to say something, but I stop her.

"There are fewer people in our year than in your STDs. If you wanted tips, you could have just asked. The only slut here is you, so close your mouth and your legs!"

She shuts up and looks extremely shocked, embarrassed, and slightly confused because I don't think she recognises me. Jealousy is a disease, you know. Anaya looks at me wide-eyed, just like when she saw how I dressed up this morning.

I finally spot my friend group's table.

"OMG, hey guys!" I squeal before sprinting towards my friend's table.

They turn around, but they look momentarily confused, and then the realisation hits them.

"Rory?! Damn, who are you, and what have you done with Rory?! Hey, Anaya! Where have the two of you been the entire summer? We went to the police, but they said you were in another country." Ayden says, looking at me with wide eyes.

"It's a long story that I would rather not speak about, please!"

"So, you don't know how Jason came back to his house covered in dog shit during the summer or how he came to school today with a broken nose?" Bailey says.

I smirk at the comment.

"Yes, I do! Who do you think did that to him?"
"You? With what? Did you use karate or something?

As a response, I leap onto the table, do a series of different kicks and punches, then do a backflip onto a nearby table at least 2 meters away and aerial off it, landing perfectly.

When I look back at my table, my friends' jaws have dropped to the floor.

"Excuse me, girl, please teach me-Ari?!" a voice behind me says.

I turn around, thankful my blushing is not visible.

"Hi Heather!"

Heather is wearing a mini purple skirt, exposing her long, slender legs, and a white shirt that has a small purple sweater over it. Seeing her in a skirt is unusual. She looks stunning. Her hair is also down instead of in a ponytail. I hope I look okay. I also hope she's impressed. She seems to be, as she looks me up and down and smiles, but I notice a hint of red on her cheeks. Maybe I'll be lucky this year. Get a grip on yourself, Auri-Rory; she's just a friend!

"Why don't you show off your skills?" Bailey asks.

"If someone chooses to fight me, I want to surprise them. Why do you think we are in a place where no one can see us?"

"Anaya, can you do that too?"

"Yep, I just hope I won't have to use them in a fight, though. I don't want to hurt someone."

"You're too sweet, sis," I say.

"Have you sent that recording to Isabelle?"

"Not yet. I think I would rather keep it for safekeeping. Here she comes. Let's leave. I don't want a fight on the first day."

We try to leave by heading a different way, but her group blocks the exit. I guess she didn't believe Jason when he said I could do martial arts.

"Hey bitch, do you want to steal my boyfriend?" She screams, attracting the attention of the people who just walked in.

I roll my eyes.

"You still bitter about Josh? Did you think he would lower his standards for you?" Anaya-yes Anaya- says.

"Oooohhh!" Her group snickers and a crowd starts to form. Great, it will make it harder to de-escalate.

"Shut up, Aurora!"

Not this again.

"Your talking to the wrong twin, dumbass!" I say this while standing up.

She looks at me confused before going wide-eyed, and so does her group.

"Aurora?!" she exclaims, examining my face.

The surrounding crowd seems just as surprised as they finally realise who I am.

"Damm, girl, you look nice! How do you look so good now?!" One girl yells.

"Aw, thanks! I'll tell you later if I somehow can leave without throwing some punches."

"Isabelle, it is the first day of school; you can't wait until next week, please?" Heather says it politely.

"Sh-sh-shut-sh-shut- "Isabelle stutters.
"'Sh-sh-shut-sh-shut'" You can't speak English anymore?" I say.

Her face reddens, and she steps closer to me, holding up her fist, but then turns to Heather. I give her a fierce look. This bitch should leave her out of this. Unlike us, Heather asked nicely.

"Isabelle, do not test my patience on the first day," I warn her as I step in front of Heather. "You won't be able to handle me as well as you did last year." I feel Heather smiling gratefully at me. I smile back before facing Isabelle. Her group looks extremely surprised because this is the same group that bullied me last year after Jason rejected and humiliated me.

"Baby, let them be. Aurora knows martial arts." I recognise the broad shoulders of a rugby player. Jason remembers I've got the recording. I sent it to him as a warning if he ever bothered me again. Despite what I said last summer, I am not going to break them up; they deserve to be together.

His group looks at him and each other before bursting out laughing.

"Yeah! And we saw a flying pig outside!" one dude jokes, which makes everyone laugh even harder.

"Maybe he's hallucinating from falling into shit!" Ayden comments.

People around me laugh, and Jason starts to stutter some jumble of incomprehensible words.

"Either that or he got punched too hard!" Bailey comments while looking at him passive-aggressively.

People around us laugh even harder, and Jason goes red in the face.

They better be careful what they wish for this year.


"Saved by the bell, basic bitch! You guys, let's save our energy for something more useful."

We pick up our stuff and leave her and Jason embarrassed. I wish to kick her ass, but I don't want to get into trouble on the first day back at school and the first day of year 10.

We head up the stairs and locate our new classroom. We have a cool teacher this year, so I think she'll allow us to sit where we want. With some luck, I'll sit next to Heather again.

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