Chapter 12 | Twisted Experiment

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At the resistance base, Amy, Tails Knuckles, and Sonic were resting in the infirmary and they were looking at Cream who was watching an unconscious Shadow

Amy| (sighing) Poor Shadow... I wish we could do more

Sonic places a hand on his girlfriend's hand and gently squeezes them

Sonic| We'll find a way to help him, Amy. We won't give up on Shadow.

Tails| Yeah, we'll figure out a way to break Eggman's control over him.

Knuckles| And until then, someone has to keep an eye on him

Cream turned to face Sonic, Amy, Tails, and Knuckles, her expression filled with determination.

Cream| I'll stay here and watch over Mr Shadow. I won't let anything happen to him while he's under our care.

the four look at each other before making a decision

Sonic| Thank you, Cream. We appreciate it.

Amy| Cream, are you sure you'll be okay here by yourself?

Cream| Don't worry about me, ms Amy. I'll be fine. Besides, someone needs to look after mr Shadow while the rest of us figure out our next move... oh that reminds me... Mr Espio has a mission for you... if you guys are up for it

Sonic, Amy, Tails, and Knuckles looked at each other and then nodded

Sonic| What's the mission, Cream? We're ready to help in any way we can.

Cream nodded, her eyes shining with gratitude for their willingness to help.

Cream| Mr. Espio received intel about a hidden facility where Eggman is conducting experiments on captured civilians. But since our forces are spread too thin Mr vector is sending you guys there

Cream reached her pocket and then gave each of them an earpiece and she gave Tails a drive

Amy| (putting on the earpiece) We won't let Eggman get away with his twisted experiments.

Tails| (examining the drive) I'll analyze the data on this drive and see if we can gather any useful information about the facility.

Knuckles| (cracking his knuckles) Let's go teach Eggman a lesson he won't forget.

Sonic| (grinning) Time to scramble some eggs

At Tails' workshop

Sonic| guess we'll have to use my tornado

Tails| Yeah, we have no choice my tornado-1 crushed remember

Sonic| Right, forgot about that. We'll have to make do with what we have.

Amy| Um guys can you wait here a minute I need to get my main hammer I don't think my backup hammer will be enough for this

Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles nodded in agreement as Amy hurried off to retrieve her main hammer. While they waited, Tails began to prepare the Tornado for their mission, running diagnostics and making sure everything was in working order.

Tails| (checking the controls) Everything looks good so far. Just waiting on Amy to get back with her hammer.

Knuckles| (stretching) This mission sounds like it's gonna be tough. But we can handle it.

Sonic| (nodding) Yeah, we've faced worse before... Remember Chaos and the bio lizard? We've always come out on top when we work together.

Tails| (smiling) That's right. With the four of us together, there's nothing we can't handle.

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