Chapter 1

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(Trigger(ish) warning: Riot, brief mentions of criminal death sentence/execution)
Radio PoV.

"On your left!"

"Watch your flank!"

"Smoke bombs dropping!"

"Cover my right!"

"Coolant gas! Coolant gas!"

"Cover your intakes!"

"Incoming Street Force!"

My back slammed against an alleyway wall as I caught my breath. Blaster fire pushed its way down the street as bots ran around in a disorganized manner. Tonight was supposed to be an attack on one of the Street Force stations. And somehow! No one followed a singular plan!!

"This is going great! I love how they've redecorated the street!" Jackal fell next to me.

"Seriously?! That is what you have to say about this? It was supposed to be a show up, set a bomb, and leave!! Not hose the place with energon and light a flame!" I hiss at my partner as someone's homemade grenade went off.

"Already looks better than before if you ask me!" Jackal laughed.

"You're blind Jackal?! You have no say in the decorations!"

He laughed again and tugged on my servo. "Let's get out of here Radio. The station is gone and this riot will only get worse!"

I growl and pick myself up. This was insane! We both ducked further into the alleyway and fled the growing crime scene. Jackal followed by my side as the city sirens went off. The night will end how it usually did when these things went down. Everyone will be waiting for a report, waiting for the list of arrests, waiting to see who fell and who hid. The city will wake up to another news story of what happened this morning. The high and mighty Sheriff Barricade will swing around for a report in the next week or so. I make myself sigh to cool down and recoup after running for the past half hour. Jackal chuckled to himself as we rounded a street corner and slowed down. At this point the sun was rising and the city was waking up.

"How do you think it's going?" My partner hummed.

"Who knows? If other bots didn't flee then they brought it upon themselves."

"Geez Radio! Talk about sympathetic!" Jackal laughed.

"Hey I'm just saying!" I snort, "Just keep walking."

"Where to?"

"The hideout. Obviously." I chuckle and roll forward on my peds.

Jackal grinned as we made our way to the unknown location. It was the only place that was worth while in the city.

"The Street Force is getting worse." I comment as several armed officers walk down the street. The riot had to be dealt with by now if they were acting so calm.

"Megatron must be trying to tighten his hold. I know Cybertron isn't happy about him. He's reacting accordingly."

"No one is happy. We're back to how it was before the war."

"Worse now." Jackal sighed.

"Eh. He's a gladiator war criminal. What do you expect?"

"Think we could find his criminal record? Imagine publishing that!"

"Jackal he would have our helms."

"Eh. Worth it with the proper planning!"

"Uh huh." I roll my optics as we near our side of the city.

"At least we weren't arrested. Equinox would love that!"

"Boss would kill us!" I choke back a laugh.

"Boss would love it!" Jackal cracked a sarcastic joke.

We turn into another dingy street and knock a code on one of the doors.

"Welcome back. We already have reports." A grey and blue mech welcomed us in.

"From the news?" Jackal and I stepped into the larger room. Reporters worked fast this morning.

"No, turns out you weren't the only ones from this place to go there." They shrugged.

I nod and look around to see who is missing. Outposts were set up in almost every city. Small hole-in-the-wall hide outs where bots could go to seek refuge. They were the only safe places a bot could have. And they were completely illegal...

*Act 58: Section 29: Subject A: Any secretive or hidden congregation of bots in any form or crowd cannot be formed under the threat of uprising or revolt. Any found guilty of traitorous actions against the throne and/or government in the manner of private or secretive missions will be tried and found guilty.*

A few bots weren't here, most however were and doing their own thing. The floor above us shook and rattled as bots sparred. The "medics" room was closed at the moment. I hope she didn't leave for that riot. Jackal found an empty chair after struggling for a moment and curled up to recover his strength.

"Did either of you recharge last night?" The mech sat down at one of the few tables.

Our hideout wasn't much. Just an abandoned office building. Most of the walls on the upper levels had been knocked down for space anyways. Lower levels were used for recharge rooms or whatever else we needed. Every window has either been painted over or covered up with metal sheets. We were next to a main highway that ran through the city and to the next. Not the best place to hide but I digress. We haven't been bothered so far. One day we will, but that didn't seem to be the case yet.

"Eh. Sorta. As well as one can while living here." I take my own seat and lock the wheels I had for peds. "So what were you saying about reports?"

"Equinox managed to contact another hideout. A few bots from there were at the same riot as you two. After the mess this morning died down Barricade was called immediately. From the way the com call apparently went, Big Bad Wolf Cop has gotten help."

"Help? The military maybe?" I lean forward.

"They don't think so." The bot sighed.

"Any idea who then? Or why?"

"Nope. But Equinox isn't happy. My running theory is that they know the outposts are starting to work together."

"Hm. Barricade can't be happy about that." I kick the floor with a small growl. My voice box fizzed for a moment afterwards.

"No, intell says he was livid over the call." The bot sighed. He knew that meant the call with Barricade wasn't a good one.

I nod and look up as one of the sparring bots fall. "Does the boss know you listened into his call?"

"Nope." He chuckled.

"Good. Keep it that way Atlantis." I smile.

"You've got my word Radio!" Atlantis stood to leave for the day. He hated stuffy buildings like this one.

Jackal had already fallen into recharge so he missed the update. If Barricade was getting help then that could mean more bots being arrested. Most of those bots will be executed. How many would be from this hideout? I sigh and stand up. I needed air as a long thought played on loop. If surviving was a crime, why was it the only way to live on this forsaken planet?

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