* ~ Chapter 7 ~ *

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I grew more worried and concerned. The conversation Mom and Dad were having was weirding me out. Just as I thought it wouldn't get more strange as I listened, it did.

"This girl is at risk of having to be on the run for life. She NEEDS to be careful."

"Make sure she does not show her capabilties, and keep Kyler out of this. She already knows enough."

It seemed it had ended there. But... What do they mean Ate knows enough? It can't make sense–it just doesn't make sense! How could she "know enough?" Why does my life have to continously get worse?! Only 10 years into living and I'm apparently in danger now. Tears began to well up, but I didn't cry. Instead, I started to shake. It was a mix of looking like I just got fucking electrocuted and seeming like a literal insane person in an asylum. One thing that is true is that I have MOST DEFINITELY went unhinged. Now I feel like just doing something to keep my mind off of everything and everyone. So, I put on my headphones and put on some Taylor Swift. Taylor Swift is my number one idol. Although, I do like 80s music and a few other artists and/or bands. For example, I do like TV Girl, Melanie Martinez, etc.

At around 9 PM, I decided to just get the hell to bed. Although, I couldn't sleep and slivers of the conversation still lingered in my head.

"Kyler could be left alone again."

"It's nothing, just go to your room, sweetie."

It is NOT FUCKING NOTHING. Obviously there is more to it than just it being "nothing." They literally just mentioned that my sister could be left alone! And the keyword is "again." And they said "take me back there." What the hell?! What in the living shit do they mean by all this?! I quietly sighed to myself.

"I guess I won't find out until later."

I decided to just head to sleep and wait until tomorrow.


The next day at school, I was sitting in first period. I was wearing my noise cancelling headphones because lovely autism! Despite barely hearing anything, I still heard some people supposedly making fun of me for my conditions but were griping because I got to wear headphones and eat in class. I know damn well they are not doing that. Whatever.

After first period, we went to ELA. Before the start of class, me and Dexter were just goofing off since we arrived REALLY early.

"Staring contest, Dex?"

"Uh, hell yeah!"

We stared at each other HARD. In fact, I stared so hard that there was a draft appearing and slight chilliness began to occur. "Okay, so that's happening. Well, no biggie. Charlie already told me anyhow. But I absolutely PROMISE I will not tell anyone. I pinky swear until I die." Dexter held out his pinky, and I crossed my pinky with his. He better not break this promise... I thought to myself. He wouldn't, couldn't, shouldn't.

"Oh, Dexter? Can I tell you something that you and Charlie should keep a heads-up on?"

"Of course; you can come to me about anything."

"So for my asthma and diabetes, one at a time, I can handle. But if it's both at once, I may need a little help on. If my blood sugar is dangerously low AND I have a bad asthma attack, then I will look and sound like a test subject at a lab."

Code: ErrorOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora