Yoongi's Surprise part 7

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Once they are at the car Seokjin gets Yoongi out of the stroller and he puts Yoongi in his car seat and buckles him in then Seokjin and Namjoon get in the car and they look for a restaurant for lunch " where should we go" Seokjin said to his husband " how about The Cheesecake Factory restaurant" Namjoon said to Seokjin " sure" so Seokjin starts the car and drives to the restaurant once they are at the restaurant Seokjin parks the car then Seokjin and Namjoon get out of the car and Seokjin unbuckles Yoongi from the car seat and they go inside the restaurant and Yoongi is looking around the restaurant Seokjin is keeping an eye on Yoongi and Yoongi sees a display case with Cheesecakes in it and Yoongi goes over to it " Yoongi stay with Appa" Seokjin said when Yoongi walked off so he picks up Yoongi and the child starts whining " Appa down" Yoongi screamed while trying to get out of Seokjin's arms and Seokjin walks over to the display case to show Yoongi the different kinds of cheesecakes in the display case " look Yoongi" Seokjin said as knelt down to Yoongi's height when he put Yoongi down on the ground so he can look Seokjin looks at Yoongi " Appa might let you get one if you behave during lunch" Seokjin said as he stood up and picked Yoongi up and Seokjin sees Namjoon calling them over because their table is ready so they are taken over to their table and they sit down and Seokjin puts Yoongi next to him but Yoongi wants to sit on his Appa's lap " Appa want to be with you" Yoongi said " I'm still here baby but you need to sit in your chair like a big boy for lunch" Seokjin explained to six year old but Yoongi starts crying " Appa" Yoongi cried so Seokjin looks at Namjoon not sure if he should just hold Yoongi or have Yoongi sit on his chair " it's up to you babe but he might not understand yet since he's only six" Namjoon said to Seokjin so Seokjin puts Yoongi on his lap and the waiter shows up to give them bread and to take their order for drinks once they tell the waiter what drink they want Seokjin looks at the menu and he looks for a appetizer " do you an appetizer Namjoon we can get Chicken Pot Stickers" Seokjin asked his husband " sure" Namjoon said so when the waiter comes back with their drinks Seokjin orders the appetizer and tells the waiter what they want to eat too so the waiter leaves soon the waiter is back with the appetizer then leaves " try this Yoongi" Seokjin said as he brings the pot sticker to Yoongi's mouth but Yoongi but Yoongi doesn't want to eat it " no Appa" Yoongi said as he pushed Seokjin's hand away " Yoongi behave" Seokjin said to the six year old but Yoongi doesn't listen and he slaps the chopsticks out of Seokjin's hand when Seokjin tried to feed him the pot sticker again " Yoongi if you don't behave then you can't have a cheesecake" Seokjin said sternly so when Seokjin tries a third time to give Yoongi the potsticker but Yoongi refuses to eat the potsticker and slaps it out of Seokjin's hand " No cheesecake Yoongi since you aren't listening to Appa" Seokjin said and Yoongi starts a tantrum and starts screaming Namjoon gets up from his seat and goes over to his child and husband and he picks Yoongi up and Namjoon goes outside with Yoongi " shhh you have listen to Appa when he tells you to behave shhh daddy's here" Namjoon said as rubs Yoongi back to calm him down soon Yoongi is calm enough and they go back inside the restaurant and they go to their table and Namjoon puts Yoongi on Seokjin's lap and they see that the food is there so they start eating their food and Yoongi sees that Seokjin's food looks better then his " want some Appa" Yoongi said while looking up at Seokjin and Seokjin looks down at Yoongi " have some of your food first" Seokjin said but Yoongi doesn't like his food Seokjin ordered mini corn dogs with fruit for Yoongi " eat one corn dog baby then Appa will give some of his food" Seokjin said as he picked up a corn dog to give it to Yoongi but the six year old keeps refusing to eat the corn dog " Yoongi please eat some of your food just a bite" Namjoon said trying to help his husband with trying to get Yoongi to eat but Yoongi won't eat the corn dog so Seokjin gives Yoongi some his food since Yoongi won't eat his food Seokjin has Korean fried Chicken so Seokjin gives Yoongi some and Yoongi eats it and once they are done with lunch Namjoon pays then they leave the restaurant to go to Disneyland

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