Yoongi's surprise part 1

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Six year old Yoongi is waiting in the living room for his Appa and Daddy they are in California because they are taking Yoongi some where BTS is surprising Yoongi with a trip to Disneyland Yoongi has never been there before so Namjoon and Seokjin wanted to surprise Yoongi Namjoon is getting Yoongi's clothes while Yoongi is watching tv " come here Yoongi" Namjoon said Yoongi goes to the bedroom and Namjoon helps Yoongi get dressed Namjoon picked out a Mickey and Minnie Mouse shirt with matching pants once Yoongi is dressed Namjoon picks up Yoongi and goes meet the BTS members and Seokjin who are having breakfast down stairs of the hotel when they get to the breakfast area " Appa want Appa" Yoongi is a Appa's boy when he sees Seokjin Yoongi wants Seokjin to hold him "Appa is getting your breakfast sweetie" Seokjin said to the six year old so Namjoon tries to keep Yoongi from starting a tantrum they are in the Disney hotel so Namjoon sees a statue of Mickey Mouse so he takes Yoongi over to it " look Yoongi do you know who this is" Namjoon asked " Mickey" Yoongi said " that's right" Namjoon said soon Seokjin calls them to the table " Appa" Yoongi said as he made grabby hands to Seokjin so Seokjin takes Yoongi from Namjoon and the members come to the table they sit down and eat and Yoongi is to busy looking around that he doesn't notice Seokjin trying to feed him " Yoongi open your mouth" Seokjin said as he tried to feed Yoongi but Yoongi sees Winnie the Pooh who's his favorite character " Pooh" Yoongi said pointing to Winnie the Pooh while looking at his Appa " yes sweetie but you need to eat so we can get to your surprise" Seokjin said as he tried again to feed Yoongi but Yoongi looks at Jungkook who's siting next to Seokjin and Yoongi shows Jungkook where Winnie the Pooh is "Yoongi can you eat" Jungkook said as he tried to help Seokjin but the six year old is too busy watching Pooh " what do we do he's not listening" Namjoon asked when he saw that his baby not listening to them " we can just take some of the food with us" Seokjin said as he put his arms round Yoongi when he tried to leave his Appa's lap to see Winnie the Pooh "Appa let go" Yoongi cried when Seokjin wouldn't let go " no we have to get to your surprise" Seokjin said as he stands up to get a box when he stood up he give Yoongi to Jungkook to hold while he packs up Yoongi's food once that's done Seokjin grabs Yoongi's little hand in his then Jungkook puts Yoongi down but Yoongi tries to go to Winnie the Pooh but with Seokjin holding his hand he doesn't get far " Appa Pooh" said as he looked up at Seokjin while pointing to Pooh bear Seokjin shakes his head no so Yoongi starts crying and hitting Seokjin and Seokjin gives the box with food to Namjoon then he picks Yoongi up " shhh it's ok" Seokjin said as he rocked his body side to side trying to calm Yoongi down while rubbing Yoongi's back once the table was cleaned up they start walking to the car but Yoongi starts screaming when his Appa walks away from where Winnie the Pooh is " Yoongi no screaming it's ok" Seokjin said trying to calm his baby down on they get to the car Seokjin opens the car door with one hand then he puts Yoongi in his car seat but Yoongi makes it hard for Seokjin " Yoongi stay in your car seat" Seokjin said as puts Yoongi back in the car seat once he gets Yoongi buckled Seokjin puts on Winnie the Pooh on the tv that's on the back of the drivers seat and Yoongi starts to calm down and Namjoon give the food to Yoongi and he starts eating once everyone is in the car Seokjin gets in the drivers seat and starts driving to Disneyland when they get to a parking lot for Disneyland Namjoon gets out of the car and unbuckles Yoongi from the car seat " wait here Yoongi" Namjoon said Namjoon went to get the stroller they brought Namjoon and Seokjin don't want to loose Yoongi so they brought the stroller with them even if Yoongi is at the age that Yoongi doesn't need one anymore but because they don't want to loose him in Disneyland they decide it will be fine this time but when Namjoon sees that Yoongi is walking away from the car to follow the members to where the bus is " Yoongi wait for daddy and Appa" Namjoon said when Seokjin turns around he goes to Yoongi and picks him up " guys wait and Yoongi you have to wait with daddy and Appa" Seokjin said " what's wrong Seokjin" Taehyung asked " Yoongi was following you guys" Seokjin said then they all walked together to the bus that will take them to Disneyland " Appa down" Yoongi said " you have to hold Appa's hand then" Seokjin said as he put Yoongi down then he hold Yoongi's hand " Appa bus" Yoongi said when he saw a bus with Disney characters on it " yes sweetie that's our bus" Seokjin said when the bus stops and opens the door the members get on first then Seokjin let's go of Yoongi's hand to lift him on the bus and when Seokjin gets on the bus he takes Yoongi to a seat while Jungkook helps Namjoon with the stroller once they are seated the bus starts moving once the bus gets to Disneyland Namjoon gets off the bus first with the stroller then Seokjin and Yoongi get off then the members get off too and they start walk to the entrance of the park once they get to the entrance they have have security check their backpack once that's done they enter the theme park Yoongi is excited that he wonders off while they are trying to figure out where to go first but Seokjin notice Yoongi wondering off " no no Yoongi" Seokjin said as he picked up Yoongi and Yoongi starts whining in Seokjin's arms " where do you guys want to go" Seokjin asked as he bounced Yoongi in his arms " we should go to the Indiana Jones ride" Taehyung said then they start walking to the ride " should we put Yoongi in the stroller Seokjin" Namjoon asked his husband " sure" Seokjin said so he puts Yoongi in the stroller " no Appa want Appa" Yoongi said as he reached out his arms to Seokjin when he stood back up " your staying in the stroller right now sweetie" Seokjin said and they start walking to the ride after a while of walking they get to the Indiana Jones ride " who's going on the ride" Namjoon asked " I want to go daddy" Yoongi said but Namjoon is not sure if Yoongi should go on it " what do you think Seokjin" Namjoon asked his husband " he can try but he should stay with us on the ride none of us know if it would scare him because we never been here with Yoongi before" Seokjin said as he unbuckled Yoongi from the stroller and Namjoon puts the stroller in the stroller parking spot then they all go inside " Yoongi you stay with Appa and Daddy on the ride" Seokjin said to the six year old Yoongi is holding Seokjin's and Namjoon's hands once they get to where they get on the ride they wait for a car for them to enter once one shows up they get on the jeep and Namjoon picks Yoongi to put him on the seat in the middle of Seokjin and Namjoon and the members are sitting in the front of them once everyone is buckled the ride starts and Yoongi starts crying because the ride it a little extreme " shh Yoongi it's ok" Namjoon said as he holds Yoongi's hand and Seokjin rubs Yoongi other hand trying to comfort him too " he is definitely to little for this one" Seokjin said to Namjoon and Namjoon agrees with his husband once the ride stops they unbuckles and Namjoon picks up Yoongi who is still crying and they get off the ride " sshhh it's done now daddy's here" Namjoon said as they walked back outside " what's wrong with Yoongi" Jimin asked " he is still to little for that ride it made him cry" Seokjin explained to the members and they go to their next ride after Seokjin gets the stroller

BTS one shots जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें