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Today the BTS members have a day off so the youngest Yoongi is in baby space he is crawling around as Seokjin watches him for a bit and when he sees that Yoongi is staying on his play mat he goes to the kitchen to start lunch and when Seokjin is in the kitchen Yoongi goes over to the teddy bear and he starts playing rough with it Namjoon comes in the living room to see that the teddy bear start falling apart but he doesn't say anything to Yoongi because he thinks it's cute Namjoon isn't the one to be strict with Yoongi unlike Seokjin he is the strict one with Yoongi the other member don't say no to Yoongi a lot soon the toy is really destroyed when Seokjin comes in the room and he is shocked to the destroyed living room with broke stuffed toys and all of the other toys all over the place "why didn't you stop Yoongi Namjoon" Seokjin said to the only caregiver in the room watching Yoongi " I can't say no to him he is to cute to say no" Namjoon said as he looked at Seokjin " I have to get the others lunch is ready" Seokjin said as he leaves the living when Seokjin and the others come to the living room the room was completely destroyed with more stuffed toys destroyed Seokjin goes over to Yoongi and picks him up before he can destroy anything else and they enter the kitchen to have lunch and Seokjin keeps Yoongi on his lap to keep from destroying something during  lunch Yoongi to grab the food on the table " No no you can have the food" Seokjin said as he moved the food out of Yoongi's reach because he doesn't want every room to be destroyed by Yoongi so Seokjin decides to put Yoongi in his swing to keep him from destroying more of the living room " you guys clean the kitchen when you finish you food I'm watching Yoongi" Seokjin said as he left the kitchen to put Yoongi in his swing and he turns on the tv to a kid show for Yoongi to watch and Seokjin gets to cleaning the living room while Yoongi is destructed by the tv and Seokjin decides that for the rest of the day he is going to watch Yoongi himself

For IlikeYoon-Gi

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