Yoongi's surprise part 2

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Namjoon is carrying Yoongi since he still scared from the ride they just went on now they are going to the second ride "maybe we should take Yoongi to a kid ride this time" Namjoon said as Yoongi started calming down Yoongi looks around to look at the rides when he sees a Winnie the Pooh ride " dada Pooh ride" Yoongi said pointing to the ride " do you guys want to go that too" Seokjin asked the members " sure" they said so Seokjin parks the stroller in the stroller parking spot and they go to the ride and the car that is shaped as a beehive so they got in the beehive and Seokjin and Namjoon keep Yoongi with them in the front row of the beehive and once they are buckled the ride starts and the ride shows different stories of Winnie the Pooh and friends " dada it's Pooh" Yoongi said pointing to Winnie the Pooh " who's that Yoongi" Seokjin said pointing to Eeyore " it's Eeyore" Yoongi when he saw what his Appa was pointing to " that's right" Namjoon said soon the ride is done they get off the ride and Namjoon buckles Yoongi back into the stroller " where should we go now" Seokjin asked as he looked on the map " how about we get lunch before going on more rides" Namjoon said " that's a good idea" Seokjin said " Appa want Appa" Yoongi was getting fussy in the stroller because he couldn't see where Seokjin is "shhh Yoongi Appa's here Appa is just pushing the stroller" Seokjin said as he continued pushing the stroller " Appa" Yoongi cried as he started squirming around in the stroller trying to find Seokjin Yoongi when he gets tired he calls for Seokjin " we are getting lunch sweetie aren't you hungry" Seokjin said to Yoongi " Appa Appa" Yoongi screamed so Seokjin stops the stroller "it's ok sweetie Appa is here" Seokjin said as he bends down and unbuckles Yoongi from the stroller and picks him up " shh it's ok" Seokjin said to the six year old and Hoseok pushes the stroller while they look for a restaurant to eat at and they find River Belle Terrace and Hoseok parks the stroller then they stand in line waiting for a waiter to show them to their table and while they are waiting Seokjin is rocking his body side to side because Yoongi fell asleep soon a waiter shows them to a table and Seokjin sits down with Yoongi still asleep " do you want me to watch Yoongi" Namjoon asked his husband " no I got it he won't be happy if he wakes up to not know where I am" Seokjin explained to Namjoon they look at the menu and Seokjin notice that Yoongi is waking up and tries looking for Seokjin " what's wrong sweetie" Namjoon asked he notice that Yoongi is crying " want Appa" Yoongi cried " shhh your with Appa he's holding you" Namjoon explained to Yoongi why he didn't see Seokjin Yoongi looks up to see if it is Appa holding him and it was Appa " what do you want to drink Yoongi" Seokjin " Appa this" Yoongi pointed to Pepsi that is on the menu because he doesn't know how say it " no sweetie you are to little for soda" Seokjin said Yoongi starts crying " shh it ok" Seokjin said to the crying child in his arms " what about a milkshake sweetie Appa will you have that" Seokjin wants to make Yoongi's first in Disneyland a great one but soda is something Namjoon and Seokjin both said he can't have until he is older but Yoongi has seen other kids in restaurants get soda " what flavor milkshake do you want Yoongi" Seokjin asked as he looked at Yoongi " chocolate" Yoongi said when the waiter shows up to take the drink orders they order their drinks and Seokjin orders Yoongi's milkshake soon the waiter come back with their drinks and Yoongi's milkshake in a child cup but Yoongi sees Namjoon has Soda and Yoongi wants that so he tries to grab that " no no baby it's daddy's drink" Namjoon said when he saw Yoongi trying to grab it and Seokjin saw that too so he picks up the milkshake and tries to distract Yoongi with that " look what Appa has" Seokjin said but it doesn't work "dada give" Yoongi said " no sweetie you can't have daddy's drink" Namjoon said as he moved the soda out of Yoongi's reach " Yoongi Appa has your drink" Seokjin said and Yoongi drinks some of the milkshake and he feels happier but Seokjin puts it on the table so they can look for their food " Appa more" Yoongi said pointing to his milkshake " we need to pick out our lunch first" Seokjin said as he showed Yoongi the menu " should one of us share with Yoongi" Namjoon asked his husband " that a good idea I will share with him since he's with me right now" Seokjin answers " Appa I want this" yoongi said pointing to the loaded house fries on the menu Yoongi doesn't know what the whole thing says but he knows what fries mean " no fries that is only fries and that's not something you can have right now" Seokjin said as he looked on the menu Seokjin found pork chops and that has vegetables and apple sauce and mashed potato once everyone knows their order the waiter comes back and takes their order and while they wait Yoongi looks across from the restaurant to see a boat in the water " Appa look a boat" Yoongi said pointing to the giant boat " yes sweetie it's a big boat" Seokjin said then he takes a drink of his soda " Appa I try" Yoongi said pointing to Seokjin's soda this time " sweetie you can't have Appa's drink you are still too little for daddy's and Appa's drink" Seokjin said but he grabs the milkshake for Yoongi but Yoongi just pushes it away " want Appa's drink" Yoongi said as he tried to grab the soda but Seokjin has a arm around Yoongi so Yoongi can't get grab it but he tries to grab it even if he can't get out of his Appa's hold " Yoongi here use Appa's phone" Seokjin said as he tries to distract the child and it works Seokjin put Disney + on his phone so Yoongi can watch movies and Seokjin put on The Many Adventures of Winnie The Pooh when Seokjin sees the food coming he takes the phone from Yoongi or tried too Yoongi wouldn't let Seokjin take the phone " Appa mine" Yoongi said as he tried to keep Seokjin from getting the phone " Yoongi give Appa his phone" Seokjin said as he caught Yoongi's hand and takes the phone from Yoongi " Appa give" Yoongi said as he tried to grab the phone from Seokjin " Yoongi food is here no more Winnie the Pooh right now" Seokjin said the waiter puts the food on the table then leaves Seokjin cuts the pork chops into half then cuts Yoongi's half into smaller pieces and feeds him first and Yoongi eats his food but when Seokjin tries to feed him some veggies Yoongi won't eat it " Yoongi eat your vegetables" Seokjin said as he tried to feed Yoongi a carrot and Yoongi starts whining but after a few minutes Yoongi eats some vegetables then Seokjin feeds him some apple sauce and some mashed potato then Seokjin eats his half of the food once everyone is done they pay and leave Seokjin is carrying Yoongi to where the stroller is and puts him in it but Yoongi doesn't want to leave Seokjin " Appa want Appa" Yoongi said as he held on to Seokjin not wanting to let go of him " it's ok come here" Seokjin said as he picked Yoongi back up because Seokjin has an idea " Taehyung can you turn the seat to have it face me" Seokjin said so Yoongi can see him the stroller they have is one that the seat can face the person pushing the stroller if they wanted it that way so Taehyung turns the seat around then Seokjin puts Yoongi back in the stroller and buckles him in " now you can see Appa" Seokjin said " Appa hold me" Yoongi wants to be in Seokjin's arms and not in the stroller " not right now it's you nap time baby" Seokjin said as he put a blanket on Yoongi and then they start walking the members want to go on some more rides so they go to a driving one where you can drive a car and when they are walking to the ride Seokjin sees that Yoongi is asleep

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