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Namjoon is at Starbucks with his husband Seokjin and their six year old son Taehyung Namjoon is eight months pregnant with his and Seokjin's third child they haven't named the baby yet but they find out later today so they are taking Taehyung to school but Seokjin wanted to stop at Starbucks to get a coffee so they are at the drive thru and Seokjin orders his and Namjoon drink but Taehyung wants one too " appa I want a drink too" Taehyung said " no not right now you can after school" Namjoon said but Taehyung wasn't happy and he starts throwing a tantrum " Taehyung stop the tantrum before you get no Starbucks after school" Seokjin said and the oldest child Hoseok is behaving Hoseok is listening to his music on his phone and Taehyung stops the tantrum after what Seokjin said because he wants the Starbucks after school so he calms down and when they get to the school Taehyung and Hoseok get out of the car and they go to their classroom and Seokjin and Namjoon leave for the appointment once they get to the doctors office they go to check in and wait to be called once they get called the nurse shows them to a room and then leaves to get the doctor once the doctor enters the room he does the ultrasound of the baby and he ask if the couple wants to know or not still they wanted to find out when Namjoon gives birth but they changed their mind " we would like to know" Seokjin said to the doctor " your having a boy congrats" the doctor said and the couple are so excited once they are done they leave the doctors office and they go home because the boys get home on a bus but they go to Starbucks and they get some cake pops for the boys since they are to young for the drinks once they get home Seokjin and Namjoon go and put the girl clothes they bought in case they were having a girl in a box to give away since they don't need it now and soon the boys get home "here's your cake pops" Seokjin said " Thanks Appa" Taehyung and Hoseok said at the same time " Appa and daddy have news about the baby Daddy's having a boy" Namjoon said and the boy are happy that they get another brother and Namjoon and Seokjin decide to name the baby Yoongi and they can't wait until Yoongi is born

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