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Namjoon and Seokjin are taking their three kids to Disneyland Jimin is the second oldest he is seven years old the oldest is Hoseok who is ten years old and the youngest is Yoongi who is nine months they are walking around looking for rides to go on but before they go on some ride Seokjin want get breakfast first they go to a restaurant to get breakfast when they have a waiter show them to a table the kids see Winnie the Pooh walking around in the restaurant "daddy it Pooh" Jimin said while pointing to where Winnie the Pooh is " it is sweetheart" Namjoon said as he looked at Jimin seeing how happy he is when the waiter comes to take their orders for what drinks they want once the drinks are ordered they see Winnie the Pooh coming to where they are sitting Yoongi is on Seokjin's lap when Pooh bear comes over Winnie the Pooh waves hi to Yoongi but the nine month old starts crying because to Yoongi he is scared " it's ok Yoongi it's Pooh bear you love him he is a friendly bear" Seokjin said but Yoongi is still crying the older brothers take a picture with Winnie the Pooh Seokjin let's Pooh take a picture with Yoongi but Yoongi not a happy baby he's still crying in Pooh bear's arms Namjoon takes Yoongi from Winnie the Pooh but Yoongi is still crying in his daddy's arms so Seokjin makes a bottle for Yoongi once the bottle is done Namjoon starts feeding Yoongi as they ordered their food once their food arrives they start eating and Namjoon is still feeding Yoongi with one hand soon Yoongi finishes the bottle and Yoongi looks at his Daddy's food and he tries to grab a waffle that Namjoon has on his plate " No no baby your still too little" Namjoon said once everyone is done eating the older kids want to go on some rides and Namjoon and Seokjin take turns with watching Yoongi they take Yoongi on kid rides Seokjin is holding Yoongi while they are in line to go on the Winnie the Pooh ride once they get on the ride Yoongi falls asleep in his Appa's arms Yoongi wakes up wakes up to the loud noise from the ride once the ride is over the go to the gift shop to look once they buy a toy that Hoseok and Jimin wanted Namjoon picks something for Yoongi then they go to the car so Yoongi can take his nap and put the things that they bought in the car then Namjoon takes Hoseok and Jimin to downtown Disney for a bit by the time Yoongi is awake they go back to Disneyland to do some more rides before they leave after awhile of doing rides they leave for the night and Hoseok and Jimin had a fun time

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