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wandering alone

"If it cleared the ridge then it's probably near the lake." one of the teenager notes. " We should probably go check it out before a grounder does " Athena suggests. "Athena is right." Octavia agrees. 

"We should get moving. Everyone is ready " But Bellamy intervenes, his voice authoritative. "No one's going anywhere. Not while it's dark it isn't safe. We'll head out at first light; pass the word."

Octavia and Athena exchange a knowing glance, sensing something off about Bellamy's behavior.

"Bell, we should go now," Octavia insists, stepping in front of him before he can retreat to his tent.

"I said we wait till sunrise," Bellamy retorts sharply, his gaze locking with Athena's, who doesn't shy away from showing her suspicion.

As Bellamy walks past Octavia, Athena follows closely and confronts him. "What are you up to?" she asks, her tone probing.

Rolling his eyes, Bellamy turns back to face her. "I'm not 'up' to anything," he replies, his annoyance evident."I don't believe you. You're planning something," Athena asserts, crossing her arms and blocking his path.

"Bellamy, you've already done more than enough foolish things in the past few days. Maybe it's time to take a breather, don't you think?" she suggests, hinting at her lingering anger over what he did to Murphy.

"Look, I don't know how many times I have to apologize—" Bellamy starts, but Athena interrupts him.

"There's no point in trying to get me to forgive you, because I won't," Athena retorts, her expression sour. "But at least try to do the right thing for once, okay?"

During the conversation, Bellamy watches Athena closely as she tries to sway his decision. Her nervous fidgeting doesn't escape his notice, causing a pang of guilt to stir within him.

"Go to bed, Bambi," Bellamy finally says, his tone firm yet strangely soft.

Athena meets his gaze once more, considering his words carefully. Maybe, just maybe, she thinks, she can trust him this time.

"Fine, I'll trust you this time and this time only," she concedes, turning away without realizing Bellamy's conflicted expression as he watches her depart. The weight of guilt settles heavily in his chest as he contemplates what he's about to do.


"Athena, wake up!" Octavia's urgent voice shakes her from her peaceful slumber. "Octaviaaa," Athena groans, annoyed at being roused from her dreamless sleep. 

But the urgency in Octavia's tone prompts her to fully wake up."What?" Athena asks, suddenly alert.

"Bellamy's gone," Octavia blurts out."What?" Athena repeats, now fully awake and alarmed.

"He left the camp ages ago. Apparently, no one has seen him. Come on, get up," Octavia urges, rushing her friend out of the tent.

Athena gets up and follows Octavia, who is heading towards the forest. "How do you know where he went?" Athena questions Octavia.

"I don't know where he is, but I know where that thing is , that fell from the sky last night, which probably where my brother is," Octavia explains."Right," Athena nods, realizing the obviousness of her question. 

It takes them ages to finally spot someone in the forest. 'Hey, Octavia, is that Bellamy?' Athena points out as she spots a figure ahead of them. 

Octavia doesn't even reply; she just runs toward the boy."Bellamy! What are you doing?" Octavia yells at her brother. Bellamy stops and slowly turns around, dreading to face whoever is calling him.

"Go back to camp. It isn't safe," he harshly replies, his gaze shifting between Octavia and Athena, hinting that his warning is meant for both of them.

"You lied to everyone. You lied to me. You just want whatever's in that pod," Octavia accuses, her voice filled with disappointment and anger.

Deciding it's best not to get involved in a sibling dispute, Athena remains silent, observing the tense exchange.

Bellamy shoves Octavia and tells her to "just go home!" His words hang in the air, heavy with frustration and resentment.

"You always want to play big brother, huh? Well, guess what? Jokes on me. You're just a selfish dick," Octavia accuses, her frustration palpable. Athena begins to feel uncomfortable, uncertain why Octavia dragged her along.

"I did this for you! To protect you. If the Ark finds out we're alive, they'll come down. And when they do...I'm dead," Bellamy confesses, his voice heavy with the weight of his actions. This piques Athena's curiosity.

"Why? What happened?" Athena asks, her voice tinged with concern.

Bellamy locks eyes with Athena, his expression filled with shame, and shakes his head before turning away. "I shot him. I shot Jaha," he admits reluctantly.

"What?" Athena's mouth falls open in disbelief, shocked by the revelation. "You're not serious, right?" she asks, her tone cautious, struggling to comprehend the gravity of Bellamy's confession.

"I found out they were sending you to Earth. I couldn't let you go alone. Someone came to me with a deal. Do this, kill him, and they'd get me on the dropship. And I did it," Bellamy confesses, his words directed at his sister.

"You killed the chancellor?" Octavia asks, her voice filled with shock and disbelief."He floated our mother. He locked you up. He deserved it," Bellamy pleads, his eyes searching for understanding in Octavia's gaze.

"I didn't ask you to do that," Octavia responds, her hurt evident in her tone.Athena looks between the two, feeling the weight of the tension in the air, unsure of what to do or say.

"You're right. I made the choice. This is on me. Whatever they sent down, I'll take care of it," Bellamy admits, his guilt weighing heavily on him.

"I didn't ask for any of this. I just... I just wanna be alone right now," Octavia says shakily as she turns and leaves into the forest, leaving Bellamy and Athena standing there, both feeling the weight of the moment.

"Well, I guess I'll get going," Athena says softly, not wanting to intrude on their family drama. She begins to walk away when she feels a familiar grip on her arm.

"You're going the wrong way," Bellamy says quietly, his voice catching her attention."Oh," Athena replies, caught off guard. "Well, uhm, thanks. I'll figure it out, I guess."

Bellamy shakes his head and simply says,  His words leave no room for argument as he leads the way, and Athena follows, unsure of what awaits them next.

"Just come with me."


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