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𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐃𝐚𝐲


Standing in the foyer in front of the grand double doors, I smoothed out my dress as Papa was patiently waiting to see me out of the house.

"Have fun at... bible studies." He said with a smirk, shooting a look towards the kitchen as he did so.

"I shall," I replied, giving him a similar smile back, "Au revoir, Papa."

He gave me a small kiss on the forehead and waved goodbye as I stepped through the threshold, then he closed the door behind me. With a small sigh, I clutched onto my purse and skipped down the three steps.

I was not actually going to bible studies, that is just a cover to hide the fact that I am actually going out with a boy.

I wish that I did not have to hide my relationship with Matt from my parents - well, from my Mama that is. Papa already knows about us and hesitantly approved. Mama, however, would murder me personally by her own hands if she figured that I had a boyfriend. She said that the 'perfect soul' like my own should not be corrupted by the touch of some foolish man.

Matt is not foolish. Well, not entirely. I must admit, he has been caught by the police once or twice for something absurd before, but it was not anything so major. Despite that, Matt still does not seem to be in my brother's favour.

I am still unsure on how André managed to find out about him. I did not intend to tell him for a while, but of course he somehow put the pieces together. Brother André said that Matt is not good for me, however I do not believe that is true. He may only be my first partner, but he is a complete sweetheart.

Often Matt is not around, but when he is he takes me out on dates and buys me a rose. Every time he gave me one, I took it into the forest and placed it on the ground in the corner where I keep the carcasses.

I came to learn that the fluffy creature that I happened to murder was a rabbit. He is still here actually, well, the decomposing remains of his bones are. Mister Rabbit is the leader of the Animal Mafia.

But enough about them. When I poked my head around the House gates, I saw a blond man leaning against the red brick wall on his phone.

"Matt!" I said, slipping through the gates with sudden ecstasy running through my veins. Matt appeared to be startled at the sound of my voice and had almost dropped his phone, but he caught it and pushed it down his trouser pocket before it could do so.

"Rosa, hey." He said dryly while taking his earpiece out. His reply did not match my energy but I did not mind.

"Matt, I have missed you so. How have you been?" I asked, quickly trapping him in a tight hug.

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