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(Trigger warning: Brief mention of gore)

"What is the schedule for today?" A large mech stepped away from the balcony and to his comrade.

"Another hunt. This bot seems to be forming a following behind them. They've set fire to the west side of Protihex." 

"Hm. So they've become less of an entertainment, but a threat."  The mech ran a claw over his thumb from his lack of interest.

"They've become a bigger threat than we expected. The fire was coordinated."

"Amongst themselves?"

"Likely not." The second mech handed over the datapad.

"I see. Who else could have helped?"

"Barricade was in the city that day. He thinks the smaller groups are starting to make alliances."

The mech frowned and scrolled through the damage report. The center of damage was certainly strategic. Seemingly a random building. However, those who had access knew better. According to Cybertronian history and folklore, the city was built above the Well of All Sparks. That building is supposedly on top of the Well itself. The once perfect, dictated city of Protihex, now terrorized by the growing riots. Had they no sense of being grateful? Megatron liberated Cybertron. Megatron gave Cybertron freedom. And yet, not a semblance of a thank you was given. He was met with hate and disdain. But if ruling with fear was wrong? Why was it so conveniently effective? Why was it so enthralling? 

"Then we start the hunt at sundown. If there was something coordinated, I want the source." The mech sat down next to the smaller bot. Their spark-eater trotted into the room with somebot's arm in its mouth as someone else entered the room.

"Boss. Barricade just sent intell from the last attack. He isn't happy." The new mech sat down and slid a flash drive across the table.

"Something else was found?"

"Somethings. After the dust settled one of the roads collapsed. They have an entire system of underground tunnels. They were blocked off or blown up as the mob fleed."

"How far do these tunnels stretch?" The smaller bot frowned.

"No clue. It's all still being mapped out."

"I see." The first mech leaned forward, once again rubbing his claws.

"Then we leave now and start with the new development. I want to see first-servo what the lowest of bots think they can achieve."

"And if there's a trap waiting?"

"If there is then it will be their own undoing. As unsatisfactory as that outcome is, what comes after will be more than enough to keep us occupied." The mech stood to his full height and slid his mask into place.

"I'll start the ship then. We leaving him behind tiny?"

"No, Pet will be coming with us. He needs exercise anyway. Fresh bots should do just the trick."

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