CHAPTER 30 - "Not controlling anything?"

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"An 18-year-old who challenges Tywin Lannister..." I comment. "And succeeds."

"He's strong" says Robb. "But he's still a man, mortal like everyone else."

"A mortal man with an army larger than yours will ever be."

"What are you doing here, Diana?"

"I came to persuade you to stop the massacre."

"A massacre? We have won every battle since the beginning of this war. It is not a massacre! It is a revolt!"

"No matter how many, you've already lost enough men."

               Maybe I'm getting in too quickly. I didn't even have time to see Mother. The reunion will come later. I have to go back to King's Landing as soon as possible, so let's close this case fast.

"And it's not a revolt!" I get angry.

"I rallied the North to my cause" he says. "To avenge father and..."

"Only that doesn't make you the one and only king! Every region has one now."

"I am the King of the North, Diana. Not because I asked for it, but because the North itself decided it. I only ask for independence. We haven't been free since Rickon Stark pledged allegiance to the Targaryens."

"There was another Rickon Stark who needed you!" I yell. "You left our little brothers alone and they're dead! DEAD, ROBB!!"

               Tears run down my cheeks as I get angry. I turn my head to Arrow to find some comfort, but she enjoys the reunion with her brother. Wolves can't fight and they're lucky.

"It wasn't my fault..." he says, his throat choked with a sob.

"Winterfell is in the hands of Ironborns. These people are easily bribed. Knowing Theon, it must already be done."

               Actually, I don't know. I thought I knew Theon, every bit of his body and mind. Apparently, I was wrong all along. How long had he been lying to me?

"You have to go back North, Robb. That's where we need you."

"I have several thousand men under my command" my brother answers. "They are all ready to fight, they believe in our cause."

"We do not have the leisure to believe. We must act, do what is best for our people."

"I can't go back."

               I expected no less of him. If he renounces, he will be brought to justice by Joffrey and Tywin, which will lead him to the same end as our father. Maybe he can escape, start all over again on Essos. In any case, I know that I would have no weight on my husband's decision.

"You came here alone to persuade your brother to surrender?" Talisa asks.

"Yes" I simply answer. "Joffrey must be preparing my funeral for now."

"You left without his permission?" wonders Robb.

"As soon as I learned the... The disappearance of Rickon and Bran, I jumped on a horse."

               I refrain from talking to them about my little stay in the cave of the Brotherhood and my supernatural powers. That would be a lot to digest.

"I understood that we could never win."

""We"?" my brother takes offence. "There is no "we"!"

"I understand, you're a little upset about my marriage to our good King Joffrey. But I'm your sister. Do you think I'm happy about it?"

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