CHAPTER 10 - "In the name of Robert of the House Baratheon"

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               Once I'm done crying and screaming, Baelish has my father brought back to the Red Keep so that he can be treated there. At the same time, he walks me to my room so that I can rest.

               The Master of Coin puts me on my bed and serves us both a glass of wine. I suspect that he wants to give me a life lesson but do not stop him. I know his advice are valuable and I need to put them into practice.

               My hands still shake when I take the glass he hands me. Littlefinger sits next to me and puts a hand behind my back to get me closer.

"All of this is most unfortunate..." he begins.

               "Unfortunate" is not the word I would have used to describe it. I would have used the word "horrible" or "awful", they are closer to reality.

"I can't imagine how you feel."

"Regret..." I say for myself. "We should never have left Winterfell."

"My dear... It is not good to live in regrets. You are here to accomplish something. You surely know it better than I do."

"Jory is dead, my dad is hurt. There is nothing left I want to accomplish."

               I'm discouraged. I decided to come here to protect my family, but presumably it's a failure.

"Nobody escapes fate" Littlefinger contradicts me.

"Lord Baelish..."

"Call me Petyr..."

               Glued together, our eyes meet. My heart beats fast and, which reassures me, his beats at the same pace. Our jerky breaths intertwine to make one.

"Petyr..." I whisper in a breath.

               Littlefinger's sweet lips land on mine in what becomes a fiery kiss. I don't know if this is the expression of my sadness or feelings for the man I'm supposed to hate. Because I hate him. I hate him as much as I love him.

               After long and passionate seconds, Baelish and I split up. I can then see that little smile that bothers me so much on his face. He is satisfied. I am just as much, to tell the truth. It will be difficult for me one day to forget the taste of his lips.


               Since this incident, I have only left my father's room to sleep and wash. Ned only slept and woke up to eat or drink. The Great Maester came every day to change his bandage and watch the evolution of his wound.

               I forced Sansa and Arya to come to see our father during his few minutes of revival, so that he would know that he was loved and supported.

               The king spoke with Ned as soon as he was well enough to speak. We learned that Jaime had gone in search of Tyrion and that he represents a real danger for my mother. While Cersei was asking for punishment, Robert decided that all my father had to do was send a raven into the Vale to ask Catelyn to release her prisoner.

               I would have liked Ned to admit that he was not behind Tyrion's abduction, but he stuck to his positions.

               Robert concluded the discussion by announcing to his Hand that he should replace him on the throne during his absence. It seems that, in the eyes of our good king, hunting is more important than the safety of the kingdom.


"I don't understand why Jaime did this!" says Arya.

               My two sisters, the Septa and I are eating while the night has already fallen. Our father has been in bed for several days and it is only now that I realize that no one has actually explained the situation to them.

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