CHAPITRE 19 - "You are the Queen."

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               Together with four guards, Bronn and I go to Baelish's Brothel, as I promised him. You will surely understand, this is only an excuse to visit Littlefinger. It's been weeks, since I had contact with him, since my father died exactly.

               I made this decision for a very good reason: I am married, so it is unworthy of me to date other men. I know several women who would have persuaded their husband to have a mistress to enjoy life on their side. Except that Joffrey is already very little interested in my flesh, so why the others?

               Besides, Baelish is a traitor. He framed my father and played me. I think that's reason enough not to want to approach him again. But I want to. I dream of him knocking on my door in the middle of the night, I shudder every time someone alludes to him... My life would be a lot easier if I never met Littlefinger.

               The last time I took this path, I was with my father. Since then, I have only heard from this place through Varys, my faithful Spider. It was him who taught me that Ros, my friend from the North, had arrived in town.

               Bronn's presence at my side makes this moment much easier for me. Our discussion keeps me from thinking about Jory's inert body lying on the ground.

"Your husband" he says. "Does he treat you well?"

               A small smile appears on my lips as I look at the soldiers who surround us. They are obliged to follow me wherever I go outside the walls of the Red Keep: order of Cersei. I will not complain about it, they avoid being killed in the middle of the street by who knows which spy.

"I don't know if this is the best time to talk about it" I answer my friend.

"Do these men scare your royal person?"

"Them?" I'm outraged. "Not the least! The fact is, as you can see, they wear the colors of the Lannister house."

"That of your squeaky husband."

"Her mother's is much worse. Whatever you say, they'll tell her. So, I advise you not to insult Joffrey anymore."

               Even though I have no doubt that Bronn would be fine with these men, I prefer to make sure that no one tries to murder or execute him. Because that's what will eventually happen if our good king ends up hearing about our conversation.

"The mothers-in-law are all like that" comments the mercenary after a few seconds.

"What do you know about mothers-in-law?"

               From what Bronn told me, he never married. I doubt he ever tried.

"I'm more than just a daughter-in-law for Cersei. Not because I'm her queen, she doesn't care. It's because I'm a Stark. My survival is a guarantee for his brother, Jaime."

              When I say that, I think of Sansa. My sister must be asleep by now. I don't know much about her life. Since our father's death, Sansa has refused to approach me. I'm not sure why.

               At one time, she resented me because Arrow was alive and not Lady. After that, it was because I was taking father's side and not hers. Then I guess it was because of my upcoming wedding with Joffrey; the wedding itself didn't make her happy either.

               Still, I agreed to marry Joffrey to protect her. And I would continue no matter what.


               Once arrived at the Baelish's Brothel, it is the tenant himself who comes to welcome us. It is not common to see the queen arrive in person, so he wanted to be there to ensure that no one misunderstood what brought me to this sordid place.

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