CHAPTER 24 - "She Fled"

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               After several days of discussion with Joffrey, Tyrion managed to return my room. The few nights I spent with my sister made me feel better. We had not talked for a long time. And lying next to each other for the last 3 nights, we felt like we were back home.

               That's the feeling in my room. When I see my bow and sword on the table, I feel like I'm home. I remember my first archery training with Jory, as well as the first blade my father gave me: a dagger that never leaves me. I called it "Winter" so I could say "Winter is coming" to my enemies. Very subtill, I know.

               Despite my injuries, I do not hide. On the contrary, I want everyone to know. So, I act normally. Except that the route to my room has been changed so that I no longer have to pass in front of Joffrey's apartments.

               I'd rather die than have this bully take me by surprise.

               So, I decided to get closer to the people. This week, Sansa and I visited an orphanage. In a city like King's Landing, people are poor and many of these children do not have enough to feed themselves every day.

               That's why we brought them supplies from the palace and lots of toys that royal children no longer need. Tommen and Myrcella are too old to play with small horses, they will not miss them.

               I also plan to visit the Great Sept of Baelor next week to meet the people who are being treated there. Part of the job of the septas is to look after the war wounded and the dying ones who come knocking on their doors.

               For the sick, children or beggars, meeting the queen is the greatest honor. If I can make their lives lighter for a moment, then I would visit them as often as possible.

               All these actions come from me; they were my ideas. During the few days I spent away from Joffrey, I had time to realize that I never act on my own. I act either according to my father, Joffrey, or Baelish. To charm the king was his idea, after all.

               It is time to make my own decisions. For me and for the kingdom.


               In the middle of the throne room, I admire the Iron Throne. Even if I expected it to be much bigger, it remains the universal symbol of power. Every person in the Red Keep dreams of being able to sit there one day. And I'm sure many of them sneaked in here at night to do it for a moment.

               But I don't think that's really what I want. There are lots of «cons»: being constantly in danger, being hated by half of its subjects, having to manage the lords and their wars. But I don't have the luxury of choosing. So, I might as well do it right.

"Majesty" says a voice behind me.

               A soft voice although sharp that I know too well.

"Majesty" I answer by turning to my interlocutor.

"You too are tempted by the lure of power."

"Oh... No... I'm just looking."

"That's how it starts. You end up getting lost in this game and forget what you really wanted."

               At first, I am surprised, I just look at Cersei. As the months went by, I realized that the queen was very dark. She must have lost hope a long time ago.

"And what did you want?" I finally ask her.

"Love at first. And when I finally stopped believing in it, I wanted the power."

Hear me Roar - English versionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon