Jarilo-VI [Part:2]

398 19 14

•Y/n pov•

F it! Imma open the Portal and make this easy for us!

I grab March's hand, March looks at me with a questionable look.

"Let's go guys! I think I found a way to Belobog!"

Dan Heng narrows his eyes at me.


while Caelus and Sampo look at me in confusion.

"Levitating Lady, might I ask, what are you about to do?" Sampo asks.

"Um... My name is Y/n not whatever you said."

I give him tight liped smile.

"I'm not gonna tell you of all people, Con Man."

I look at March and signal for her to grab Caelus's hand. As a chain reaction, Caelus grabs Dan heng's hand.

I extend my other hand forward as Purple aura surrounds my palm. First a small dot appears in front of me then it's gets bigger and bigger. The snow around us start to swirl.

"Y/n! What are you doing?!" March asks as I feel her trying to wiggle out of my grip while she let of of Caelus's hand.

"Don't let go! Just trust me!" I tighten my grab on her hand.

"You got it, bestie!" Caelus says as he grips March's other hand again.

Just like that I drag my three friends into the portal, leaving Sampo behind as he looks at the empty place with a glint in his eyes.


We emerge in front of the Qlipoth Fort. I speard my arms In front of it and grin at my friends.

"We are here!"

We notice a shadow under us, which is in a circle shape that surrounds us, under our feet.

"What is this pla---"

Before Dan heng can finish his sentence, The solid ground under us disappears.

"Ah!" March cries out as she reaches out for nothing, darkness surrounding us.

"What's happening?!" Caleus panics as he flips backwards, falling.


It's takes me a minute to realize we four are actually falling.

What is happening, indeed. This is definitely not my doing! It can't be. But... What can I do to help my friends and I get out of here.

Portal! I should try to open a Portal again.

I extend both of my palm outwards in front of me. But nothing happens. I concentrate deeply, my powers feel null.

'dont move.' a dominant female voice echoes in my brain as my body goes numb.

This is bad!! this is bad!!!

"Stay calm." Dan heng's voice echos, as my eyes dart to find his, but he is focused on Caelus and March. They are so far away.

I gasp as I try to 'swim' towards my friends. so so far away, and we are falling very fast and slow at the same time.

This is nuts!

(Who is behind this?! Author! What is this twist?!)

(What do you think?^w^)

I watch as Dan Heng reaches out for Caelus's hand and grabs it.

"Try to reach for March!" Dan heng instructs. And Caelus follows as he grabs onto March's sleeve and March grabs his wirst.

"Where is Y/n?!" Caelus asks as Dan heng's eyes scan the void around them.

"There!" March points at my direction but it's too late.

I watch as they disappear, while I feel a jolt and everything becomes disoriented.

~•Third person POV•~

Sampo felt it. The power emitting through that lady. He was walking up the plain in the direction of Belobog. He wanted to see what his new friends are up to. It would amazing for entertainment. Especially that Levitating Lady.

Y/n, was it? And she called him a Con man.... Interesting...

As he was walking, he came cross the silvermane guards. He visibly winced, not this again.

Dan heng, Caelus and March's butts hit the snow. Landing in front of Sampo, March groans as she rubs her butt, Caelus doing the same while Dan Heng quickly stand to his feet and scans his surrounding, his eyes landing on the guards.

Silvermane guards stiffened with their weapons ready, as they stare at the group.

Dan heng's eyes fall on his friends, He notices that Y/n is not with them. His stomach drops, he takes in a deep breath and focuses his attention back to the guards.

"Who are they...?" Dan Heng asks. Caelus stands up while helping March up as well. Both of them, panic alittle as they don't see y/n with them.

March feels frustrated for letting go Y/n's hand when the ground suddenly peaced out (disappeared) on them. She should have held tighter. Where could y/n be.?

Caelus rubs the bridge of his nose, feeling a headache surface. That was not a good idea. He is going to tell on Y/n to Hemiko when they find her. And they will find her no matter what.

Dan heng feels like something bad is about to happen, that feeling has been bugging him when they arrived here. he doesn't like it one bit.

But now Y/n has gone missing when they are in an unknown place, he wants to pause this Mission and search for her, first. He knows, no, he feels, she is here somewhere.

"Uh.. you remember the silvermane guards I mentioned? That's them." The crack in Sampo's voice grounds Caelus, March and dan heng to the present.

March clenches her shirt that rests on her chest. She doesn't want to stay here anymore.

"Hey Sampo! Take us to---"

"It's the suspect and his accomplices! Arrest them!"

One of the Guard swings towards March as Caelus blocks it with his bat.

"I am not in the mood." Caelus deadpans as he slammes his bat on silvermane guard's head, which catches him off guard, making him fall.

Dan heng and March also perform some badass stances while making all the silvermane guards unconscious.

The Three have only one thing in mind.

They must find Y/n.


Hope you enjoyed!

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