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It's AMAZING, support her NOW 😠 not forcing you


"I still feel that things won't be going as planned" Cealus said

"Let's hurry up and get out of here. I'll explain later" Himeko said

Then we went near the enemy and then ambushed it and we won

[I'm only putting boss fights here

Then Himeko opened the door using the control then we went inside

"The exit's over there... how do we get to it?" March said

Then a enemy was in our way then yea destroyed it

Then there was a controller with orange and blue color

Then Himeko touched it then the orange flat from disappeared then a blue flat from appeared on the left side, then we went to the spot where the blue flat from appeared and then walked on it then there was another controller with orange and blue color on it then Himeko pressed it and the orange flat from appeared then we went across it and there was a enemy there which we also destroyed it then we went to the door

(TIME SKIP cuz author lazy)

Then we entered the area where the Doosmday after a lot of fighting of course

"Aw yeah! It's the platform!"

I look around the place. Hemiko, Caelus, March, Dan heng and I walk towards the place where Astral Express is parked.

"The express isn't here.."

I nod, agreeing with Dan heng.

"It has to be near by!"

I nod again, agreeing with March 7th.

"Let me go take a peak with my sharp eyes!"

This time I shake my head. March does a pose and runs near the place where express was parked.

"Wait. March!"

Dan heng's hand stretches out, trying to stop her.


March stops and turns around to look at Dan heng. Something flies past her in speed, she quickly looks at that direction.

We all watch, as a creature flies above us.

"The Doomsday Beast..."

Hemiko expresses as Caelus looks at it in aw.

"It's really here."

Hemiko furrows her eyebrows, looking very serious. Immediately march stands in front of Hemiko, Caelus and I, aiming her bow at the beast.

"Get down, here!"

The beast lunges at March in full speed as hemiko gets ready to fight. The beast settles on the platform, strong gust of wind blows towards us.


Big beast claws swape the place where we are standing. Everyone dodges. The Synth appears in my hand and white light surrounds me, I stand with my battle outfit on, in a fighting stance. Everyone's weapons are out, ready to fight.


'wait This is ACTUALLY SCARY IN PERSON' I thought

The beast stomps his claw downwards March as I quickly grab March's waist and pull her backwards, using my Synth with my other hand to block the attack.

March gives me a thankful smile as I let go.

"Diana, come forth!"

[Diana and the puppet]

I activate my soul shaper form, I hit the bottom of the synth on the floor. As my deer circles the around us, buffing us with speed, crit rate. The deer stands beside me.

"Move carefully."

Dan heng says as he dashes towards the claw that tried to stomp March, attacking it. He backs away as March sends an to the other claw.

Caelus joins in, using his Skill on the core of the beast as the hit blasts to it's claws.

"Rules are meant to be broken!"

Caelus swings the bat, slashing it's core. The fight is happening in seconds. The beast buffs his left claw with imaginary.

I use my Skill, as a crescent moon appears behind the beast, I dash towards its buff hand, doing a crite hit of quantum, its hand downs. The crescent moon breaks, blasting quantum energy on the target, doing aoe damage.

Hemiko also runs forward after my attack, taking the chance to apply weakness to its core, with her skill. Hemiko's pizza cutter weapon, flies forward, slicing its core.

"Perhaps, you still don't understand. Humanity never conceals it's desire to control the heavens and I am no exception!"

Hemiko sits on her cutter box, legs crossed, sipping tea as she looks up. A leaser comes from above, giving aoe damage to the beast.

The winds makes me close my eyes. Then I remember I can send this beast to the Quantum sea. And all of this will be over with.

I roll my neck and look at my team to give them a heads up. This will be a little dangerous.

"Guys! I have a plan! I want all of you to back up!"

"Oh do you?" March said jokingly

"This is not the time to be messing around" Dan Heng said

I motion to my deer, Diana to create a dome(shield) around them as they hesitatly back up, listening to me. I feel an intense stare. And I know who it is from. My Synth disappears as I run at the beast.

I already feel very weak but I can do this. I start to float as I close my eyes and lift my right hand towards the beast, my orb appears, purple light comes out of the orb, forming a circular portal to the right side of the beast. I motion my hand to the left and the portal starts to suck the right part of the beast.

The beast gets very violent as it flies away from the platform to avoid the portal. I gasp as I make the portal move towards it. My deer disappears as March and Hemiko runs towards my direction as I stand near the float near the edge of the platform.

I look at the beast, seeing dots in front of my eyes as I blink. The beast is halfway gone. Just a little. Suddenly the beast flaps its wings and I lose my concentration, because of strong winds. The portal disappears, I close my eyes, losing consciousness.

TY big sis for helping me write this chapter
I hope you have enjoyed
There will be another hsr fanfiction

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