Story Quest: ARLAN

286 13 4

•Y/n Pov•

"Lady Asta!"

Asta tilts her head and looks behind me while I turn around to face Arlan. He runs towards us and stop few feet from us.

"Have you seen peppy?"

"Oh, peppy should be--" Asta stops mid sentence. I follow her gaze.

My eyes dart down to the ramp, east of Asta but peppy is not on their usual spot.

"Maybe we should search or ask around? Peppy wouldn't have wondered far.." I offer, trying to relax Arlan as panic is Witten all over his face.

"No you don't get it. Peppy doesn't go anywhere without me. If he does, he always comes back to his usual spot or to me.." Arlan says in a panicked tone.

Asta furrows her eyebrows at Arlan. 

"I will dispatch a team for the search!" Asta taps on her phone as she turns away from Me and Arlan.

"I will help with the search!" I give arlan a smile. Arlan nods. A security officer runs towards us.

"Brother Arlan!"

He pauses as he takes in a breath.

"I spotted peppy..."

Arlan's eyes widen as the man continues.

"Storage zone f1.. that's..where the security cameras.."

Asta watches as Arlan is already marching towards the elevator.

"I have a bad feeling about this... I can't leave my station." Asta bites her lower lip in worry.

"Don't worry Asta! I will go with Arlan." I pat Her shoulder. She gives me a thankful smile.

I follow along with Arlan as we pass the man.

Arlan presses the button and his neck snaps towards me, finally noticing me beside him.

"I said I will help." I give him a determined nod.

We reach the storage zone first floor and spot peppy right away.

"Peppy!" Arlan runs out the elevator, already on peppy's tail.

Should use my powers or just run...

Hmm... I don't feel that lazy today.

With that I sprinted after Arlan. We reach at the steps as I see peppy going towards something very dangerous.

Voidranger: Distorter.

"Peppy! Move!!" Arlan reaches out to Peppy.

I watch in horror as the Viodranger lifts it's hoove to stomp at peppy. Purple aura surrounds me, I dash towards peppy, taking peppy out of danger.

Arlan uses his ultimate to end the Viodranger with 3 strikes.

Peppy jumps out of my hold and makes his way towards Arlan. Arlan crouches and looks at peppy in relief.

"Where did you go off to..?"


"He is happy to see you." I say as Arlan gives me a Puzzled look.

"You can speak with animals.."

I chuckle. Before I can answer, peppy barks and paws at Arlan while jumping towards one of the rooms. We follow along.

Peppy has a Frisbee in between his teeth. A surprised sound escapes Arlan's lips.

"That's what you were searching for?" Arlan looks at peppy with a small smile while shaking his head.

Peppy walks past Arlan and stops in front of me. Pawing at my ankle. I smile and crouch.

"Wanna play holodisc?" I ask in a baby voice, smiling at peppy.


Arlan watches with a pout, as I throw the disc and peppy woofs while following it.

Peppy comes back with the disc.

he watches me and peppy play with the disc.

Arlan gets a text and glances at his phone.

"Y/n. I should get back to my station." I look at Arlan.

"Ah..  right you must be busy."  Arlan nods and smiles. It's barely noticeable.

"Thank you for protecting Peppy. He seems to like you alot." Arlan watches as peppy jumps into my arms and hugs me, nuzzles to me.

Side quests until the main quest heehe

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