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•Caelus pov•

"She will be here any moment, now."

A puppet? All in purple clothing walks up to Hemiko and I.

"I have only been gone, what? A few months? And the space station is already in this state."

She emphasis on the words, as she walks towards us.

"Welcome back, Herta."

Hemiko smiles at her and starts to explain who Herta is.

"This is the true master-----"


Someone collides harshly to my back and I stumble forward. Making Hemiko stop talking as she looks at me in Concern while Herta watches in amusement.

"CAELUS! omg! I am Soo sorry!!"

I turn around and look at the person who bumped into me.

"Y/n? Why are you out of your bed? I told you to get some rest."

Hemiko stares at y/n pointedly while crossing her arms just like a mom about to scold her child. I look at y/n.

"You look like you were running away from a killer or something. You are as pale as a ghost."

I cross my arms as well and y/n sighs while glancing behind her every so often.

"Ahahaha, Weeeeeellll I actually did and Caelus! My bubby! My pal! I wanted to help you with um..."

She throws her left arm around my shoulder and looks at Herta with a sweet smile.

".. with whatever you are about to do..?" Y/n says.

"And who is this? Oh I saw the footage of the fight. You are the one who creates portals." Herta says.

"Hello! I am y/n and you must be Genius Society Number 83." Y/n says.

Y/n's smile brightens, Herta looks at Y/n up and down, as if studying her.

"For the last time don't call me that! And you don't look very strong."

I chuckle a little as Y/n slaps my arm, glaring at me.

Hemiko sighs, but continues where she was stoped.


•Y/n pov•

I zone out while they continue their talk. After Herta takes a look at Caelus. I stand near Hemiko. Still looking behind me to see if he followed.

"Hmm. Truly amazing! I built a whole space station just to contain this unactivated stalleron and keep the blue from disaster..."

Herta's arm crossed, her fingers brushing under her chin as she looks at Caelus.

"Yet. Someone was able to achieve that with this little twerp's body. How did they do that?"

I look at Herta, feeling offended that she called Caelus a twerp. Which He Is Not! He is not an annoying person but very sweet and nice!

"Moreover, the stellaron is very stable in Caelus's body."

Did Hemiko just went past Herta calling Caelus a twerp?! Mom?! Why?! I dramatically look at Hemiko, deadpan.

"You are right. This little one's body truly is strange..."

I deadpan at Herta.

"My name is Caelus."

Caelus says in a monotone.

"Alright, I got it. But I'm still gonna call you a little twerp."

Herta says with a sassy attitude.

Really?! I sigh and now shift my weight as I stand near Caelus. Patting his shoulder, he sighs as well.

"The space in my brain is alittle small for storing people's names."

Herta says. Hemiko let's out a surprise sound.

"Oh! Well thanks for remembering my name then."

Hemiko says.

"That's different! We have business with eachother.. wait... What was your name again?"


I hide my laugh with a cough, as Caelus gives me the side eye. Herta continues talking.

"Forget it. Let's focus on the one with a stellaron in their body. Can I bring him in for some research."

I feel Caelus shift alittle to his side.

"That's not up to me to decide. You can ask Caelus yourself." Hemiko says.

Hemiko and Herta look at Caelus.

"What's your Price?" Caelus says.

I look at Caelus, feeling like a  proud bestie. Herta hums in delight.

"This little twerp's pretty financially motivated.  Huh... I like it."

"Alright. Give the poor child a break, Herta." Hemiko says.

Her voice is soft but stern. I look at my mom- I mean hemiko proudly.

"I am very interested now...."

'Wow nice move Herta' I thought

I zone out whatever Herta was saying and whisper into Caelus's ear.

"I am going to go. You got this bestie."

Caelus deadpans at me as I blow him a kiss and leave. Hemiko and Herta don't notice, still talking with eachother.

I walk to the control center. Asta might be there. I didn't get the chance to talk to her.

Let's make some friends! And hide from Dan heng as long as I can and not die from him

Farewell and time for me to keep my other fanfiction alive

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