3 - Enough?

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Kyeom pov.


"I'm so glad that I approached you first." He then said. I was confused and lost what the hell? What does he freaking mean?!?


"What?" I asked in confusion.

"Oh sorry didn't mean to say that. What I meant was I'm so glad you helped me and let me stay here for a while." He said and I looked at his expression. It was something I can't recognize and trust me I know every expression he makes. This one was a bit suspicious.

"You're acting weird." I said to him. Like weirder that his weird personality now.

"Me?" He asked and then he just stared at me then behind me.

"Joshua are you alright?" I asked him again because he seemed more of a different person in front of me.

"Yeah don't worry about it. I'm just glad that I met a fan? I guess?" He said as he pointed at my door. Dammit I forgot that he saw a little bit of my room! This is why I didn't want him here in the first place. I know I'm crazy about him but I never wanted him to find that out. I still have a little shame in me, believe it or not.

"Oh you saw? Hah hahah It's just a little thing. No big deal." I tried to play it off. But he was still a little suspicious about what he said. I just couldn't put my finger around it.

"I'm seriously killing Hoshi." I mumbled as i led him to the bathroom.

"What?" He asked.

"Oh nothing. I was just talking to myself." I reasoned out. Then I escorted him in the bathroom. As soon as he was inside I rushed to the living room to find my best friend eating popcorn living his life while I was on the verge of breaking down because of embarrassment.  I approached him and smacked his head.


"Ouch! My head! I'm telling Auntie!" He said as he ran towards the kitchen. He's really gonna play that card right now???? I'm seriously not sure what am I to this guy.

"Kyeom did you just kicked this poor kid?" My mom asked as she was holding on to a spatula and looking at me.

"Kicked? He's the one that makes my life as embarrassing as it is now!!! Mom!! I thought we were on the same side!" I said in a low whisper because I don't want Joshua to hear and my mother just giggled. Seriously he loves Hoshi more than me.

"Alright alright. We are! Relax yourself because your husband- I mean your 'friend' is coming." She said as she turned my body manually around. Then I almost face palm myself.

"Is something wrong?" Joshua asked all of a sudden.

"Nah nothing's wrong dear. Why don't you guys set the table while I finish preparing. It's not gonna be long." She said and we just followed her like the obedient child we are.

My mother out did herself and made us the best dinner ever. Hoshi and Joshua were obviously as happy as I am. We talked for what seems like hours and My mother even told Joshua to come back all the time so that she can teach him some of her cooking skills.

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