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Originally written: April 4, 2024

What lies beneath your sleep if those memories you chose to forget keeps on haunting you?

A memory that you always try to escape keeps on haunting your dreams—your nightmare dreams?

What lies beneath our voices that we were unable to hear by the public even though we tried to scream our voice, seeking for help, in a place where people are busy, we tried to keep our voice loud, but none of them heard our voices. Neither one of them, heard our voices.

Our voices were lost, trying to find its way back in a place where it was heard. Suddenly, our voices never came back anymore. Our voices of seeking help never came back anymore. What could be the reason?

You keep on trying to scream and scream, just to hear the justice that you want. Yet no one wants to hear from you, any single letter from the word that you're trying to scream, no one hears any pitch from the voice that you're trying to scream at. They are not interested.

You keep on trying to tell them a narrative, preaching as if the congregation listens to you. You keep on writing a novel where it is obvious, the main character dies because you killed them, like how you killed yourself.

You keep on giving your best to the people that can't see your worth. You keep on begging to have their attention on you, pretending that you are happy about what you are doing.

Where in reality, you're not.

It's true that there is progress, there is a process on how we feel about the things that we wanted, but what if, you don't know where to begin, you don't know how, you don't know when to begin—you don't know what to begin with first.

It hurts to see yourself isolating in a darkness where you can't see anyone, anything, even a person that you've trusted. It feels like everyone betrays you. It feels like everyone ruined your trust, your kindness.

Now tell me, where do I belong?

How do I begin with this?

What should I do next?

How can I find myself in darkness?

Answer me these questions, as if you were defending your client in a court.

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