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Originally written: April 3, 2024

They say, "It's alright to feel what you feel, that makes you express who you are..."

"Only you can understand yourself, only you can fight the battles that you're facing alone."

"No one understands you... Not even those people that you treated as your close friends will truly understand you."

"It's either you or nobody will able to process the feelings and the struggles that you have in your life."

These are the words and phrases that I ever heard, the phrases that keeps me reminded in the night every time I was about to cry myself to sleep in a fact that I am broken, alone, and lost.

A soul that is lost, a soul that was declared dead by the people, a soul that heard their last words, their apology, a soul that was never been found because, it was just a shadow who is a victim of darkness. A soul that was a victim of this merciless killing of its sanity.

True that these words are being said, sometimes, False, but what would be the answer? It depends on you. It depends on how you believe on these words and phrases stated in this book that you're reading.

We don't know how,

and only you,

can answer to that logic.

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