Chapter : 5 The Bloody Day (part 2)

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Chapter : 5 The bloody day (part 2)

In the last part, Jung Si and masked guy reached to the park where Prime Hunters and undercover agents were fighting each other. When Jung Si searched for some weaponry, she wasn't able to find anything which she can refer as weapon. After hearing from Jung Si that there is nothing in the car which she can refer as weapon, the masked guy told Jung Si to take care of herself while he was going to beat Prime Hunter's ass. At that time, when Jung Si tried to stop masked guy from getting in the park, the moment she opened the door to call him back, a bullet passed by near her ear and shot the undercover agent who was trying to run from there. He warned Jung Si to run away from there if she loves her life before dying.

Now, she was terrified upon seeing all the things that were happening around her. The smell of blood and the dead bodies lying in the park exerted enough pressure on her. She was reminded of some past memories that were similar to the scenes unfolding before her eyes.

Some unforgettable memories, which lies in a corner of your heart, which you can't forget no matter how hard you try to forget them.

The scenario was somehow related to her past when she was little, an area soaked with blood, bodies of humans lying on the ground, and slaughter all around her.

She was losing herself in that moment when she saw that undercover agent leave the earth, telling her to run away to save herself. This was somehow similar to the case that had happened to her when she was only eight. Her father had also said all the things to her at that time when the fight between two underworld factions was going on.

But today was different, she tried to comfort herself. The thing that was going through her mind was,

"Why did I become an undercover agent? Why? To see people losing their life in front of me? Again, the same scenes, but I'm now Undercover Agent Jung Si.

I have to stand up, atleast save that person who saved me. Save him, don't be selfish, Jung Si, stand up, stand up, tell him to run away, there's still some time."

Then she slapped herself, stood up, and called him,

"You f*king shithead, who do you think you are? Just run from here, they are 50 in numbers and you are only one, you f*king masked guy..."

But when she actually saw the scene in the park, she was left speechless. Something had just happened that she couldn't believe. She tried to rub her eyes and looked again at the park. The ones who were in danger were Prime Hunters.

The scene was just different from what she had anticipated.

The screams of Prime Hunters reached her ears as they were screaming in fear,

"Just kill this bastard."

Another one of them shouted,

"Where did this monster come from?"

Another one,

"Retreat, retreat, just leave us you fucking monster."

They were all referring these sentences to the masked guy who was no longer wearing a mask.

That single person alone killed more than half of them in just minutes while she was recovering herself from her past.

He was slaughtering them but there was no hesitation on his face, it was a scenario worse than her past.

A single person, who only had a dagger in his hands, killed all the hunters by himself.

The way he was slicing their necks with his dagger, it was like he was slicing butter with his dagger. Those hunters were like carrots that he had to chop off.

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